I've always thought of David as being kind of young (in the head)
Yes; me too.
An astute observation;
I am still the kid I always was,
just bigger, fatter n uglier.
anyone who sums up his life as 'I eat and I watch TV
and I surf the net' certainly has a simplicity.
Yeah; I guess simplicity is preferable to complexity.
I also like travelling a lot; attend a lot of conventions around America.
I imagine that to those activities
u 'd add something about
helping others.
Well, actually, I
have done that, for the hedonism of it.
It can be
FUN to give away cash to people who don t expect it; happy surprizes in their lives.
I 've done that to people of all ages n both sexes,
but mostly to children, like dropping $50 or $100 on a table in front of them.
Still checking the psych section of the library
on the need to say just how big his TV is.
Lemme know what u find out; it sounds like fun.
I got a smaller one, originally, but sent it back to the store.
I get pleasure from it,
in that not only is it
but its a High Definition TV, with maximum number of available pixels,
clearest picture definition.
I said to my friend, Marty, over dinner that: "u don t look as
real as my HDTV."
I was bedridden after abdominal surgery,
and it kept me entertained.
Nice to know that when you call on him for facts or even opinions
he can pull out the 'I don't get paid for this you know' line,
and presumably return to chowing down in front of the telly.
What u proposed sounded too much like work.
I don 't work anymore; I just have fun.