This recipe has been originated by the Barbara Kafka "Roasting" method that she has written about for years. She does the high heat variant for all kinds of meats and it works. We discussed this technique for several years so Safeway has jumped on board (They can hardly claim exclusivity since theyve just glommed Kafakas rexipe)
There is one time that the high heat DOES NOT work. That is on "Heritage Turkeys". These birds, raised almost as wild turkeys in large grassy pastures and fed in the fields, are really fine flavored and not as heavy breasted as the factory birds. The high heat method doesnt work as well because these birds arent as fatty. They need to be cooked at about 350 for the extra hour.
We like the flavor of heritage birds, its a flavor I can only describe as more turkeyish and the dark meat abounds. Those that like breast meat wont care for Heritage Birds but those who want a 12-15 lb dark meat lovely , will find them just the ticket.
If we had PMing I could let you know where to get heritage birds all over the EAst Coast ,(Im sure they raise these things all over the country)