Quote:You're welcome to my other one! Because I'm a caring, sharing person it's yours, free of charge!
Well, I am touched! That is because I use very cheap internet cafes.
I tell you what.. gather up a largish collection of watches. Don't be afraid to remove them off the wrists of their 'owners' or liberate them from shopfronts. Send them to "Stillwater's House of Pre-loved Timepieces and Erotic Cake Emporium*"
and I'll pocket the proceeds..... did I say that? I meant, make a choice of them and send the rest back to... yeah..

NB Jacquie came round and modelled for the cake. When she was getting dressed she asked how much it was to do a job like mine. I told her, "$3.95 an hour". She said, "That's not much". I said, "It's all I can afford".