2PacksAday wrote:
I used to wear Casios, they were around 25.00 and lasted exactly one year, I think I still have around 7 of them....
Wow! Either you were extremely unlucky, or I have an exceptional Casio watch!
Checked the Guiness Book of World Records 2008.
The most expensive watch category is for one 'costing' about 1.15 million (US I guess).
Eoe and JoeBlow and Soz, not to leave the rest of youse out..
I still have a watch of my mother's, but it never worked in my lifetime. I took it to a jeweler once who said it couldn't be fixed. I suppose it could with new rigging, but I wear it occasionally on a ribbon as a necklace. It was ornate, a silver or platinum or faux case, really antique looking, probably from the early 1900's but perhaps earlier. Had a sapphire in the winding thing. Had a ribbon band, which Dummy Osso threw out a few decades ago. Slaps self.
I also have a neato (hard to see, Guess?) watch, sort of rectangular but the frame and the glass curve somewhat... well, somewhat like the wrist curves. Yeah, roman numerals. I got it at a thrift shop I went to with a friend who then lived in Napa. Paid, uh, $7.00 for it, got a new leather band. The face is pearlescent. It too needs a new battery but worked fine until this last one ran out of battery poop.
Battery pooped out! Consider yourself lucky! Farmerman had it tough, back them to keep a watch going:
Quote:you needed to feed the beast with shovels full of coal
and live in hole in road, work 18 hours at mill for sixpence and at night Father would thrash us to sleep!
Quote:So, he hid it, in one place he knew he could hide something: his ass. Five long years he wore this watch . . . up his ass
Can't see this model flying off the shelves......
watches that have precious metal cases have been all over the map scale in price for the last year or so. Theres a Tag with a Platinum case and band. Itws about 50K now, last year it was 35 K.
@Mr Stillwater,
Me and my spouse were at JC Penneys and I fell in love with a watch that I happened to see. This was back in 1984 and the watch cost approx. $170 without tax. That was alot of money back then and imo today too. I pleaded with him to let me purchase the watch and he said no, it costs too much. I told him I would never buy another watch if he let me get that one. He still said no. Then we ran across a co-worker of his and his wife. The subject of the watch was brought up and the co-worker told my spouse to let me buy the watch and quit being a tight wad. So, my spouse relented and I still have the watch and wear it. I have never bought another watch nor have I wanted to. The brand is Citizen.
Funny, you know. I think sometimes I carry myself a little differently when I'm wearing mine. Without being too wierd about it, I take a little grace with me whenever I put them on. May you feel gorgeous and special when you wear yours.
(Slaps self in sympathy) I'm glad you still find a way to enjoy it.
I always had cheaper watches, from $20 to $80, and they just wouldn't last. A year ago I bought a used B & M off ebay for about $600, MSRP on a new one is $2700. It's not extremely flashy, looks good while wearing a t-shirt, but still nice looking enough with a suit. Figured it'll last forever, as long as I take care of it.
@Slappy Doo Hoo,
Slappy!! My man! See you have kept with the 'hair free' look - suits you.
Quote:he said no, it costs too much
Honey, I think that cost me my marriage too. Only, it wasn't a watch as such... it could have been the extras - a 3/4 of a million dollar house and all those fuckin' children.... still, a watch and a new pair of shoes might have done it.
Ahem, little angry there aren't we fellah? Just having a spot of bother re: child support lately.
Yeah, every so often another kid or even an adult would describe it as "different"....most just don't understand that different does not equate wrong.
This is something kind of odd that I have noticed about myself...you know when you are talking to someone and they mention that they are running late....while looking towards their watch, or even tapping it...."gotta go, gotta go". When I do this myself, I always look at or tap the normal place where the watch face would be, I never turn my wrist over and tap the actual face of the watch....I suppose that would be more of a learned bit of body language, than a factual one.
Honestly, I wouldn't blame it on the brand at all...those watches were wore/worn out during a very busy and rough phase in my career....but mainly a few industry changes in my trade {Masonry} has helped to extend the life of my Timex to just over a dozen years now.....and plus I was older {27} and more careful in general by the time I had bought the watch...I don't get cut or bruised as often anymore either.
I scanned these a few years ago, the blackish watch actually looks a bit more worn now.
This is what started this inquiry. The Omega 'Speedmaster' became the watch of choice for astronauts....
...and rechristened as the 'Moonwatch'. Still damn expensive for someone who won't be visiting the Moon in the near future.
The other bit of fame/trivia is that in April 1970 the astronauts on 'Apollo 13"

used the chronograph "to manually time the secondary rocket burns to bring the crippled Apollo 13 spacecraft back to Earth".