Is Socialism Anti-Christ?

Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 12:36 pm
sticks and stones, my boy. let us continue our discussion and carry the insult as a cross to bear, because we were begining to approach a basis for negotiation. just remember that i am a liberal because i believe that being so reflects how jesus would want me to behave towards others. i did not start out as a liberal then afterwards attempt to support my philosophy by using the teaching of jesus to buttress my behavior. i use his teaching as my starting point for my personal philosophy ... but i recognize that there is quite a gap between my heart and his soul, but that does not keep me from trying to do better.

calm down and take a chill pill. your best defense is to let your goodness shine through the bullshit that is thrown your way.


I could not have expressed it any better than you just have, I seem to lose something in my character when I respond to cold remarks that should be just left to rest.

I love all religion, even the liberal religion. What I object to is people narrowly adhering to any particular one. And it seems I have come into the very shrine of the liberal religion. So as a free thinker this will be the spot where I will express my own counter argument. Firstly, that liberalism is only a part of the whole picture just as male is only a part of the whole picture of gender. Together male and female procreate and a new creature is born of the twain.

When yin and yang are placed together they make a zero.

They make a new thing and ideal.

I will forever be striving for this "new thing"... This new thing is what I seem at this point in my life to call God. Every moment is a new beginning. God is neither sex nor is God without passion. And the day I understand this I will have found the truth I seek with all of my being. So I will continue to be knocked around by both sides because I seek something higher than our ability to comprehend.

I see myself as a new being and this world only an illusion to the creature I really am.

1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
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Reply Wed 22 Oct, 2008 10:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Where did you get that number? Out of your imagination - as usual? LOL

God told me. Smile
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Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 12:19 pm
Obama is getting nuttier by the day... he thinks there is a flaw in our constitution? The flaw resides in lazy people versus laborers. You give lazy people money and they "blow it" and are waiting for another hand-out the very next day. There is no end to what people can blow. That is because of the work ethic's unspoken rule, that people generally value their own things more than the things of others.

When people work hard and earn what they have they usually appreciate it MORE and steward it. That is not to say that if "some" were to receive a "gift" that they would not appreciate it. Though, they are usually the people who appreciate things already, because they have learned a good laborer ethic.

Some people when they go to work they work for a boss and only do the level and quality of work they believe the boss and owner are worthy and deserve receiving back.

So it is an eye for an eye. So every day when the owner is grumpy then they are just less likely to perform their best in order to reciprocate for the way the boss/owner has treated them.

So it seems we as humans are naturally inclined to only give what is expected or what is worthy of our time.

It is a law of magnetism and order that what belongs to one should never be taken advantage of.

The only way to escape this eye for an eye, you scratch my back and I'll scratch your back, law, is an abstract idea.

Anyone got one? Smile

Well I do.

It is believing in God as our sufficiency...

For if we are only out to please those who please us then we limit ourselves of working at our greatest capacity at all times. It is only when we go beyond the standards of others that we demonstrate an abstract concept resides within. This is the witness and evidence of the inner catalyst. Love without measure.

Now I am going to tell a story from the Middle East.

It is said that the banks of the river Jordan were at one time the richest banks in the world. Not only because of the abundant life that lived in its path but because of a very interesting custom that was once considered sacred by Hebrew people. It was considered pious and boastful to go before crowds of people and donate great sums of money into the collection plate. Today it would be like comparing charity donations on tax forms to see who donated the most.

This culture had this custom that if you really wanted to give charity that you would take a precious object that you loved and carry it to the river banks and while no one else was looking on you would toss it into the lively current of the river and it would be forever lost to you. They would say a prayer to God and give thanks.

One might say to themselves THIS IS FOOLISH! They could have sold that precious ring or amulet and fed the poor! Now it is lying lost on the bottom of this river no good to anyone! Does this person believe that "God" will pay them back? Of course they do.

For this strange custom and reason the banks of the River Jordan were considered the richest in the world.

I picture this rich woman tossing a ruby ring deep into the river and saying her payers to God...

What strikes me is that she had a choice! She was not dictated to throw this into the river it came from her own intent and personal feelings the welled up inside and grew to fruition. This is charity and a selfless compact with the almighty.

This woman gave her charity to God.

Then we have another Middle Eastern story...

Jesus and his disciple were together talking and his disciple were concerned that they were going to be unable to pay the taxes demanded of them. Then Jesus says a rather perplexing thing that boggles the western mind. Jesus answers and says, if you go down and cast a hook in the river you will catch "a fish with money in its mouth".

Western thinkers have concluded that Jesus meant to go back to fishing and work a few days laboring until they have caught enough fish and sold them to pay the taxes.

Here is where our little Hebrew custom comes in.

Most western thinkers are unaware that there is a certain fish indigenous to the middle east called the Muskt fish. This fish has a pouch in its mouth under its chin, it scours the river and lake floors and banks looking for shiny items to swallow up in its mouth and put in its pouch for safe keeping.

Jesus was referring to this Muskt fish. Jesus indicated that if the disciples had enough “faith” that they would just toss the hook in and catch a Muskt fish and their tax problems would be solved by the almighty God of their sufficiency.

Had the government limited what this rich woman did with her own luxuries and pluralities than the disciples of God may never have been able to speak the word but would have been too tethered to fishing and laboring to bring salvation to the world.
So it seems that charity does not really need to pass thought the government via taxes but it should also be free that it may pass through the mouth of the humble Muskt fish and be given to whomever God so chooses.

Had the tax collectors been in the “right attitude of heart” they would have been offering Jesus charity rather than demanding taxes.

I tend to think taxes are only part of the charity picture but people need to give freely and not have there luxuries heavily limited but bureaucrats. Let God "redistribute" the wealth...
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 01:17 pm
i read the other thread about this, and you were told that obama's reference to the flaw in the constitution was referenced as the flaw of slavery, so cool it because that makes your entire thesis wrong.

and if you want to bitch about lazy people you ought to go after your buddy chjsa because instead of doing his job at work, he is posting on a2k, so tell me what jesus says about a guy who is not doing what he supposed to do while earning a paycheck? he'd likely admonish the man for stealing and would call the man lazy, which is exactly the thing you are screeching about.

here's one for you from mathew 7:3.

Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

as for why i can post all day and night, i own my consulting company and can work whenever i want.
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 05:23 pm
i read the other thread about this, and you were told that obama's reference to the flaw in the constitution was referenced as the flaw of slavery

APPARENTLY, Obama sees more than one flaw where he believes that all are not created equal where he thinks it is right to take from one person and give their "goods" to another.

Here is a scripture for you...

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's (goods)
house or fields, nor his male or female slaves [laborers], nor his ox or ass, or anything that belongs to him.
Reply Mon 27 Oct, 2008 07:35 pm
well one thing there fella' since no rich man has ever been executed for a capital crime in america i would suggest that the wealthy are more equal than the rest of us under the law.

do you think oj got off because he was black or because he had a lot of money.

btw since america is not a christian republic i don't expect its leaders to follow scripture in implimenting social policies, i do expect them to promote domestic tranquility and if that means taxing multibillionaires at 39%, while taxing grammar school custodians at 35%, i accept that inequality as a method to promote social justice.
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2017 03:54 pm
This is an example of an oppertunity to explain why Jesus would demand socialiam, not to belittle someone who is misguided. Please be more tolerant of people like this; they may someday become brothers.

To the author of the post, I believe that if you read any of the gospels from start to finish like you would read ny other book, you will see that Jesus never turned down a request from the poor, nor did he ever chastise them nor ask them why they were in such a sorry state. He simply gave them what they asked. However, he never has anything good to say for the wealthy nor the religeous leaders of his day (he once called them a generation of vipers).

Jesus and his deciples lived as socialists. Whatever food one got belonged to all
13 of them. Everything was shared equally until the final supper. Judas worst crime may be that he kept the money for himself. Since Jesus knew he would be crucified anyway, the actual betrayal was of little signifigence.

From the time of the Acts of the Apostiles until the Christian church became the official religeon of the Roman kingdom, most Christians lived as socialists. Th4 weslth christians sold whatever they had and made the proceeds available to all.

It really boils down to this: capatilists think that all men are greedy and socialists think that all men are worthy. I can't find anything about Jesus that makes me think that he wouldn't agree with the socialists.

As an addendum, Jesus death was the singly most socialistic act ever. He gave his most precious gift (his life) to everyone without reservation. According to christian doctrine (to which you seem to adhere), that single act of redemption was given as freely to the bum in the gutter as to the Emporer himself. I do not believe there is any way to interpret that act as one of a capatilist; however, it makes sense to all true socialists.

Please reconsider your attitude toward your Lord in light of what the gospels say about him and try to forget your prejudices which seem to be keeping you from being a GOOD Samartin.
cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2017 04:38 pm
They are all brothers, but my belief happens to be different than many. I don't believe in any god(s). We are the product of nature.
Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2017 10:43 am
RexRed wrote:

The democrats want a draft,

The democrats want to take away your right to be rich or poor.

The democrats want one to rule the many in totalitarian submission.

The democrats want to do away with the right to own handguns because it will conflict with their totalitarian Gestapo rule.

The republicans seem to believe in the prophecies of this "anti-Christ" who will cause people to be controlled by what the left call the religion of "science" rather than the holy spirit.

Are we seeing the decay of "the individual's" CIVIL RIGHTS for a country of drones, happening right now within our midst? Joe the plumber seems to be the only voice "crying out in the wilderness".

Bible Prophecies
“LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS, HE will sit in the throne AS GOD…”

Instead of a government UNDER GOD (which the liberals want removed from our money and pledges) Why? So their left wing nut messiah can rule AS God? So the creation is ruled by creation rather than the creator? This is why the left they need the doctrine of creation thrown out of schools! The humans evolved into GOD rather than being put here by a being supreme and “OMNI” being. So when do the left expect Americans to bow to their "infallible" queen of heaven Nancy Pelosi and their pantheon of granola eating rabbits? I thought we learned about infallible men and their vanity who thought themselves as Gods with the Roman Caesars and Hitler... Guess the left can’t learn such loft.

The "democratically" led Congress is currently at the lowest approval rating “by the people” in history. This consumer theft happened on their watch and Barack and his Acorn have obstructed the banks all along from raising the standards of ethical practice. Let’s give illegal immigrants huge loans and have registered felons running our voter operations! Sound unbelievable! Well, this is what Barack Obama HAS done. His only EXPERINCE has been learning how to cheat and swindle people out of their money, their vote, their freedom, their confidence in government, their right to LIFE, their right to choose THEIR OWN DOCTOR… All this hate while they steal our right to reject a DICTATOR.

The democratic congress does not only just have a 50% approval rating but they barley can stay above ten percent favorability by the people they are "supposed to represent". They are not even liked by democrats!

The democrats have held American culture hostage claiming the Hollywood liberals are the only ones with the secret mysteries of "culture"… The have treated conservatives like they don’t even count.

They have poisoned our own news information sources so that the American public is blind to their destiny. They are hostile to conservatives, lover of despots and dictators, fighting for the "rights" of terrorists (which is an oxymoron), burning American flags, placing their hands over their privates rather than their hearts when they pay tribute to their country’s national anthem. I don't think the far left even care if this election is won as long as they can create total chaos and collapse or even implosion of America they don’t intend to "progress". The left and their “legalize all drugs” mentality are only out to corrupt our moral fiber and sensibilities. The left and their decadent lifestyles “partying like rock stars” icons and role models who have NO hope to offer America they simply want to see its collapse. The liberals act like they are all doctors studying how to make people sick instead of well, this is a TOTAL break down our way of life.

So that people like Nancy Pelosi could ascend to rule the house when only 5% of the American populace had a clue who she even is! Again, Acorn, LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS

All so “senator government” Obama can create a huge tyrannical government to eclipse the sun of freedom and THE LAW OF LIBERTY. Who in all of Barack’s years in the despicable hell they have called a “church” and their “liberation theology” never ever considered what the “law of liberty” actually is and means! Possibly his motives are not the truth of “the book” but the religion of the far extreme left? Obama laughed and giggled like an IMMATURE person, an ADOLESSENT, when McCain pressed him about Ayers in the last debate. Had I been debating him I would have interrupted him and said “WIPE THAT SMIRK OFF YOUR FACE! I do not find that situation even the LEAST bit humorous, funny but I saw his laughter as reckless and unbecoming of a man who “supposedly” espouses “hope” in people.

Obama and his ACORN have infiltrated our schools (with MILLIONS of foreign dollars) with socialist literature that only tells them (children our greatest natural resource) one side of the picture. Yea everyone will be rich with the rich people’s money! To hell with the American dream and working hard all your life for what you own!

Obama AGAIN THROUGH ACORN infiltrated our banks and told them to make risky loans so that the rich people’s money in the bank would be spent on people who had no intention of ever paying them back one RED cent. Again other people’s money conveniently ends up diverted by Obama’s associations and influence. In other words the lawyer Obama thinks it is ok to deceive a bank and walk off with something that belongs to another person. He calls it, “spreading the wealth around”. Obama how about we spread the wealth around and give some of your ILLEGAL campaign money you have obtained through suspicious “characters”, illegal foreign money, and “distribute” some of that money to POOR John McCain so this election can be FAIR? HUH??? In other words OBAMA it is ok to lie as long as you are lying to a rich man? LYING SIGNS AND WONDERS.

THEN OBAMA through ACORN flooded our voter system with non-existent voters to throw off the TRUE election results! LYING SINGS AND WONDRES

Is Obama for the Messiah or Anti-Christ?

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Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2017 10:46 am
Talk about a 180. No wonder he adopted a new moniker.
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Reply Fri 8 Sep, 2017 02:30 pm
Please read the parable of the good Samaritan where Jesus made it very clear that we are to minister to people from groups who differ from us. If you wish the nation analogy, the Samaritans were second class citizens in Judeia. Notice that religeous leaders acted very Christian like to the poor Samaratian (they crosses the road to avoid him) but the traveler acted Christ like, he did everything within his power to help a man the religeous people wouldn't speak to. The parable ends with the question, "Who was the real neighbor of the man". That seems to give new meaning to the commandment to "Love thy neighbor as thyself."

Face it; Jesus was a socialist. His life with the deciples is an example and his ultimate gift (his own life) was for everyone. If the writer of this entry is Christian (as seems likely), Jesus act was the ultimate socialist act and he believes he is benefitting from it directly.

If you would be a real Christian, you gotta take what your Lord said seriously. And I suspect he would be a bit pissed at people who took his words out of context.
cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2017 09:40 pm
Not out of context. Direct contradictions.
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Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2017 12:43 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I myself am atheist and have been so for at least 30 years. However, I am familiar with the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and believe they represent a reasonable basis for socialism. I responded to the the guy who wrote the post the way he did because I thought it would be the best way to get through to him.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2017 06:00 pm
I've been an atheist for about 65 years, and have seen many famous churches and cathedrals around the world. I visit them, because they are architecturally beautiful, and the best money can buy. I have visited all ten of these churches. https://10mosttoday.com/10-most-famous-churches-in-the-world/
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Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2017 11:48 pm
I'm not sure about this. Recently I watched Inferno at cinema. And I found some comments that in this novel, there is some kind of anti- Christian. I didn't feel that or maybe in the film, they omitted some sensitive problems. I even read Inferno on ebook (http://appnaz.com/android/ryp-ebook-com.navyug.rypebook) but still can't find those factors. Or maybe I don't pay enough attention, or I'm not clear about what is considered anti Christian. Dan Brown also refused it.
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Reply Wed 30 May, 2018 02:57 pm
Have you not read the Gospels. Jesus NEVER chastises the poor. Not once. However, he did go after the powerful, calling them a generation of vipers.
Did you not read Isiah and Amos (Jesus' predecessors) who said outright that sacraifices and religious rites (ie, attending church) are anathema to the Lord as long as the widows and orphans are starving. Anyone who takes the Bible seriously, and not as a way to spin their own preconceived prejudices, has to know that socialism is the message of the entire book, especially the new tesament. After all, the earliest Christians lived in communes, meaning they lived as communists. I have heard a lot of more scripture quoted by those who haven't read the Bible, than those who have. And diatribes against socialism, and taking care of the communitiy which nurtured you through childhood, is a sure sign that you fall in the group of those who quote it without having read it.
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