The geologic title for this entire area is "The Naragansett Basin" Its a unique non-marine basin thats associated with the collision of AFrica during the Alleghenian Time. SO we have a small unique basin in Mass and Rhode Island that has small coal fields and contorted shales and sands from ancient swamps and lakes. Its a neat area and I used to take geo field trips up there a number of years ago. Wed find all sorts of fossil leaves and branches but only one critter as I recall.
The geology of Mass is one of the most complex and all inclusive of almost any state. Mass has got deposits from a;lmost evry time period from the late pre CAmbrian all the way to tne present. its a very big desl in a small package.
ALSO, lilk. Mass is THE ONLY STTE, that does not have an official state geology map produced by a survey. (At least this was the case from my last search two years ago). Its ver frustrating to have to resort to individual old USGS quad maps or the "
Roadside Geology of MAssachussetts" "tourist guide" (Im not saying its bad but it only goes so far in detail and we usually need much more information than the Roadside series can provide)