Oh my gosh! I think you're onto something! I've always dreamed of dancing with Kermit, plus green is my favorite color.
During the 60's, I went to a few clubs, but they tended to be where acts were performed, such as Finocchio's (good grief was I naive) and a comedy club that featured a group of comics that improvised all their acts. Very funny.
During that time in the Haight Ashbury, there were many jazz clubs that were little jewels. Good jazz on the cheap, which describes how I lived then.
Mostly, noisy night clubs cause a paranoid form of claustrophobia ("Get Me Out Of Here Right Now"). Oddly enough, even the blaringly loud music gave me a sense of claustrophobia in the sense that I felt trapped inside the noise.
North Beach was always hot then, but it is nothing like it was and I'm too old and too "Been there done that" to ever repeat the experience. I also discovered that I can't hold my liquor. Those sweet, fruity drinks with an umbrella tasted as innocent as lemonade. After about three night of throwing up--hated rum for years--or just going to sleep in the car, I really started drinking lemonade. At least I was a cheap date.