Mon 6 Oct, 2008 12:33 pm
As I understand it, Rosh Hashanah basically celebrates the Jewish new year, as figured from Adam and Eve (as opposed to from Lucy or Alley Oop). Tell me if I'm wrong, that's my understanding of it.
Question is, do any more than one or two Jews in the world lose any sleep wondering whether or not that makes them creationists??
Celebrating Rosh Hashana doesn't make you a Creationist. Assuming that the bible is a literally factual and accurate account of "Creation", makes you a Creationist.
(On a side note, I don't know how the Rosh Hashana holiday is calculated)
Well, a 24-hour day would be meaningless until the creation of the sun on the fourth "day". So how long were the the first three days - of the world really exists only 5769 years?
It's New Year's. As in, when the big matzoh ball drops in Times Square. We retell the myths (the Torah reading is the same no matter where you go, no matter which synagogue. This way we can all follow along).
It's not about Creationism. I don't know any Jews of any denomination (you do realize we have >1 denomination, yes?) who believe in literal creationism.
According to the Torah, Adam was created on Rosh Hoshana, the 6th Day...
"Literal" Creationism is a Christian thing vis a vis the "literal" story in Genesis (Bereishis).
However, I know many Jews (including my children) who literally believe that the world was created 5769 years ago, allowing for small (several thousand years) discrepancies in the first six days of Creation. As near as I can tell, the "literal" time span of the Torah is taken fairly literally by the majority of Orthodox Jews.
There are other "literal" opinions (which I hold) that manage to take the Torah as accurate and to date the Universe at about 14 billion years old.
And, by the by, for those who hold "literalists" in contempt for their inability to get with "modern science," how's your investment portfolio doing?
People can imagine and sustain all sorts of things that apparently contradict "reality."