The difference between philosophy and religion

Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 10:03 am
@cicerone imposter,
RR, The only evidence we have of life is what we can observe; we are born, then we die. There is no evidence of an afterlife. The afterlife is based on myth from the cultures that believed in such things.

So are you saying the desire to "survive" beyond one's own lifetime is myth? Why place this desire to survive within all living creatures if survival is only a myth? What is the evolutionary purpose of survival if it is only a myth? This only shows the self defeated limitations of your own hope for survival. Your desire for survival has been defeated… You cannot go beyond your own limitations you have set for yourself. This does not negate the hope of others whose desire for survival has no bounds.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 10:18 am
Some of us realize that "survival" has to do with what we have on this planet while we are "alive."
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 10:57 am
@cicerone imposter,
Some of us realize that "survival" has to do with what we have on this planet while we are "alive."

Death is the only "myth".

1Corinthians 15:26 KJV
The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

Comment: Can death be “destroyed”? The natural worm transforms/metamorphoses into that of a butterfly.

The fleshly shell is discarded and the spirit emerges whole. Why would providence place the transmigration of life within the imagery of nature if it is merely a "myth of humans"? Do we need to "dumb down" nature to satisfy your own myths?

Should the caterpillar extinguish the hope and dream of its own transcendence as merely a myth by adhering to the words of naysayers?

2Corinthians 3:18 KJV
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed [changed = the Greek word "metamorphoo"] into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 11:05 am
Don't waste our time quoting the bible that are full of errors, omissions, and contradictions.

It takes a very special kind of mind to rationalize all of it, and I'm not one of them.
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 11:08 am
Romans 12:2 KJV
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed [transformed = metamorphoo] by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Comment: We are "changed" when we leave behind philosophy [conformed to this world] instead for the perfect will of the living Omni God.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 11:14 am
@cicerone imposter,
Don't waste our time quoting the bible that are full of errors, omissions, and contradictions.

It takes a very special kind of mind to rationalize all of it, and I'm not one of them.

How can anyone "understand" when they preface their idea of scriptures with words like "errors, omissions, and contradictions". Fear can manufacture misconception as love can cover a multitude of sins.

Did you ever consider the "errors” lie within your own mind?

Do you always face truth with doubt and a lie with confidence?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 04:12 pm
There is only one ZERO that can know the Omni and if that Omni does not exist, than we live in "total darkness" and only "philosophy" rules.
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 04:15 pm
It seems you're a member of the Omni - living in total darkness.
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 04:17 pm
Ephesians 1:18 KJV
The eyes of your understanding being enlightened ; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,
19.And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe , according to the working of his mighty power,
20.Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places,
21.Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named , not only in this world, but also in that which is to come :
22.And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church,
23.Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 04:23 pm
All in all = Omni
0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 04:34 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Code:It seems you're a member of the Omni - living in total darkness.

I choose to live on the front lines (a2k), like a missionary undaunted by this life's perils.

This life is one drop in the oceans of eternity. It takes only one dream in a lifetime to become aware of the spirit.

Can God create even a drop of the ocean?
cicerone imposter
Reply Mon 6 Oct, 2008 05:27 pm
No, but man's imagination that god did create the ocean goes beyond my pay grade.
Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2008 07:28 am
@cicerone imposter,
No, but man's imagination that god did create the ocean goes beyond my pay grade.

Thirty silver coins? Smile
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2008 09:47 am
Make that a hundred, and gold, not silver Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2008 09:50 am
This post is to addressed to the general readers and thinkers of forums and time. It seems there are several issues that make this thread not popular. I guess the first "issue" is myself, for whatever reasons that be I am simply judged radioactive. That is what I get for calling myself, RexRed... Smile

I make all of your, the all inclusive everyone, comfortable high perches unstable with my ideals. I really do not consider myself or my words "unpopular", I just acknowledge that most people don't know what to say and are in the state of shock possibly even panic from reading them.

It must be a jolt to the senses to think one way for so many years, thousands of threads go by where no one rocks the boat, let alone capsizes it, to have overbearing little ole “me” pull the "red" carpet out from under the, "let things just ride" existence, must smart to say the least. Though, I am find pleasure only in the furtherance of the gospel.

Well the collective standard of complacency does not ride with me.

1) I quote structures
2) I believe in God
3) I believe in Jesus Christ
4) I believe in the integrity and accuracy of the Holy Bible
5) I do not fully reject the teachings of Paul the Apostle or the others
6) I actively expand on the truth

Now these six points if I were to just drop them like a bath towel, then I would be “popular”…


It is not that I am not read on this forum it is that few dare to take me for a spin.

Why? I believe that many feel their knowledge of the Bible is so shaky that they are afraid of feeling “wrong” and made a spectacle of in a public forum.

This is where human pride become more important that the quest for truth. So I will just keep babbling on.

Why don’t I just take all of these wonderful things I believe I know and just keep them all to myself? Well that would be fine if the adversary of truth did the same. It would also be unethical. There is a hunger for this truth. Yet we have a life fortified and built, error upon error and no one points it out. It is like the world is simply unchallenged by the search for the truth, a house of cards...

People don’t believe in a “creator” yet they have no explanation on how reality came to exist. So they ignore the blaring truth that we DO exist, so to argue against creation is a losing battle. They cannot abide by the simple truth that “something” put the universe into motion and what ever that something is, is the OMNI.

I digress…


When one listens to enough philosophy classes the blaringly obvious omission from the discipline is, the real-time revelation of the Omni God.

I am not here to just piss-off those who cling to philosophy like a baby’s rattle, I am also here to reveal the foolishness of most "religion".

So I lose on both fronts, but the truth wins…

“Organized” religion.

What good are "the ten commandments"?

Thou shalt not kill/murder?

What about when a robber has a gun to my neck? How about when a woman has to give birth to a rapist's child?

Again, just as philosophy, religions seeks a narrow set of ideas over actionable intelligence from a real-time Omni God.

So do I follow the ten commandments or what God tells me to do in any given situation of calm or even were life and death are an issue?

This all reminds me of city builder video games, where you have a God’s eye view of all that is occurring in the city.

What I am trying to say is not “religious”, it is more philosophical.

I am saying that no amount of laws or pre conceived notions of grandeur and pomp can prepare us for the school of circumstantialism.

If the Omni is dead, then there is no solution for circumstantialism.

The more “security” we embed into life through computers the more our lives are guided by worldly concern versus spiritual concerns.

Give that some thought.
Here I go again….

Romans 8:4 KJV
That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.


Today we have so mush more drawing us away from that faint voice of the Omni inside telling us anything from what to eat, how to love and learn. We cling to philosophies and codes of ethics out of fear though the voice inside is denied. It is these very codes, doctrines and narrow stereotypes of the mind that universally divide peoples of the world and only the Omni can unite us with our true path.

So many walk, “throwing the dice“. When they need to know what to do, they toss the dice within their minds. They use their senses, philosophies and narrow statutes that divide rather than unify, rather than direct communication with the Omni.

So every decision is based upon the individuals choosing, so the individual becomes responsible for those choices. When a person chooses to follow the Omni, than they place the responsibility for these decisions not upon themselves but the responsibility then rest upon the Omni.

This is visual “evidence” of the presence of the Omni within, the “change” [metamorphoo] the Omni can bring to the realm of possibilities we are confronted with at any give moment in time is because, only the Omni “knows“.
cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 7 Oct, 2008 10:11 am
RexRed, You do not have to get defensive. All my siblings are christians, and they're always trying to convert me. As a matter of fact, Mr and Mrs McTag were visitors to our home during their recent visit from England, and stayed over for a few days. During their stay, we visited the state capitol to visit my brother's office. My brother left me a book on the bible, and small gifts to my friends. He keeps trying, bless his soul, but I'm an atheist who will live out my life believing their is no such thing as a "god." I believe that science may one day explain about life, but we must remember that as technology improves, we are better able to study our environment. Science as we know it today is still very young.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Oct, 2008 10:44 am
Red Earth

In a great vision I saw the acts of God... The Omni God has come into this world to draw all things holy up into the heavenly city.

In the beginning the Omni spoke and the words that proceeded forth were as lights, brighter than any light ever seen since time began. These lights appeared only for a short season and left behind old wisdom of an age past, then faded up into the heavens as the stars of the messianic zodiac.

Then God appeared as images within the red earth and was formed as flesh into a man and woman named Adam and Eve.

Then the Omni breathed the breath of life and both Adam and Eve became living souls. The Omni came down as love and became holy upon them.

Then the Omni became circumstantialism and free-will so that these new beings could experience autonomy and desire.

Adam and Eve used their free will over time... This holiness could not live in the sight of sin. Without the spirit the flesh could no longer contain the Omni so the flesh returned to the dust and the soul returned to the air. Because of them leaving the Omni, the Holy spirit could no longer remain upon them and the image of God became subject to the imaginations of the heart.

Then the Omni appeared as fire in a burning tree and this fire burned as no other and out of the fire came the voice of the Omni, the fire spoke of justice and righteousness. This fire went up into the heavens to purify the souls of the saints.

The Omni appeared also as a cloud and a wonderment in the sky to the people as manna fell from the heavens. The cloud then drifted also up into the heavens to guide, nurture and comfort those lost in the spiritual wilderness.

The manna was a sign of the inborn spirit to come.

Then God became a male seed and impregnated the flesh of an egg within the flesh of Mary’s womb. Thus God was inborn and the seed remained within.

God as the Omni mother became the egg and as the father became the seed. Thus the son of God was the son of both his heavenly masculine and feminine, for the God Omni is all in all.

There was gladness of the Omni.

Then God appeared as the wind and became the breath, Jesus breathed in the soul life of the Omni’s sinless heredity and became the second Adam. Though created by the Omni, born of a woman.

The child grew into the shepherd of creation.

Then the Omni appeared as a dove, free of guile and pure. The dove was a symbol of the Omni’s peace and salvation. The Omni became the water and John the Baptist anointed Christ with the Holy spirit of the Omni.

Then Jesus was nailed to the tree and the son of the Omni was crucified.

So the red earth flesh part of Jesus ascended up into heaven, the breath life of Jesus went up into heaven and the spirit part of Jesus went up into heaven. For they were all three pure and sinless images of the Omni.

The fleshly form of Jesus stood before me in this vision, the lord had no scars he was dressed in unity as a prince of peace and out of his mouth the Omni spoke. The end is the beginning and I am all things pure and true. I raised you from the dust into the full stature of the spirit.

Then Jesus turned and walked as if wandering through the earth seeking souls to enlighten with his visions.

I saw that Jesus was guileless as the dove, that he gave me waters of life to drink and fed me with the manna from heaven, he guided me like a cloud and burned within my heart like a fire. Like the red earth that surged through my veins and was the breath that I breathe. Jesus turned before walking off into the radiant light and said, “The spirit of the Omni is with you, the Omni is in all things pure and true that enter into heaven.”

I think back upon this vision to realize that, it is not the life we live but the Omni living within us sustaining us and fortifying our body, soul and spirit for the long journey back to rebirth within Zero.

Peace with the Omni, Amen

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Oct, 2008 08:08 pm
The Revelation of Jesus Christ according to RexRed

Behold a great vision appeared unto me RexRed, a brethren of the apostles, of the lord Jesus Christ and a son of the beginning. I stood on the shore of a great sea and across the four winds came a dove that transformed into the bodily flesh of my lord Jesus the Christ. His voice were as trumpets and his words were gentle to my inner person. Them who have ears to hear listen to the past, present and the future of times hidden from the ears of newborns in the word of God. The lord spoke and said be of comfort and rejoice in the God of our fathers from whom I reveal unto you the hidden mysteries of the aeons. Seek not the living in the end but in the beginning, for in the beginning were all things new. Only in time doth moth and worm corrupt the knowledge of the truth. For the omega is alpha. Seek your father’s word in the stillness of silence and the brightness of his countenance than no eyes can look openly upon. For Jesus said, I have sacrificed my flesh that you may live again with this life within. The flesh is an illusion of the creation of this mystery within.

Them who have eyes to see will look upon the unity of the beginning. Then the lord took me by the hand and led my to a hidden place upon the earth. There I saw five trees growing and Jesus revealed to me the mystery of the five trees in paradise. One tree was humanity, another tree represented the creeping things great whales and the fouls of the air. Yet still another tree represented the herb of the field and yet another tree represented the stones and elements of the earth that cry out with one loud voice. The fifth tree was the spirit that gave of her fruit only in the season of the age of grace. The lord said ye may partake of these only for a short winter until the summer of heaven returns to the earth. For I was once nailed to these trees upon a cross and died but yet I live, but it is not I that lives but the spirit that lives within me. For I became the spirit and the world now partakes of the fruit of the spirit. This is to say that all things are complete and all dominions are secure against the day of wrath of God.

Then I saw a great wonder in the heavens a woman travailing in birth wearing purple and adorned with the crown of all nations of the world. She brought forth a son and called his name Jesus. The child was mute and neither spoke nor heard the voice of its mother. For the child only heard the voice of God and when he went to speak out of his mouth flowed rivers of spirit the drenched the world in both fire and water. From his tongue came a oneness with all things yet all things became a void and an abyss that no light could escape. The people of the world were perplexed at the strange nature of this child. The child grew and the world bowed down to worship the child but the child needed no admonition. The child desired neither the touch, nor delight of the senses. The people repeatedly asked the child to reveal it’s purpose in the world and the child only stared out blankly into what seem the corporal air vacantly as if looking upon a great treasure.

Then Jesus spoke to me I shall now reveal to the you mystery of the mute child. The mute child is God, who is born as the spirit within. It is the image of God. For God desires only to be known but does not speak. It is the spirit that speaks for God. The world tries to provoke God into action but God only acts through the spirit. What need does God have? It is our own worth that we impose upon God and God knows only of the hidden treasures of the heart. For God in the beginning is likened unto this young child that only needs to be. And who shall raise God up into the full stature of a man? God is forever young, as the end and death can never conquer the beginning and life.

Then Jesus took me way up into the heavens above all principalities and powers. There were clouds in all directions and angels and ministers of grace were at our feet. And I sought the face of God in the clouds. Jesus said why do you seek God among the dead? I answered, is not the dead that which lives again? Jesus answered the flesh can never re-enter the mothers womb and be reborn and a baby leaves the sucking of his mother breast and then is sustained upon the meat and grains of the other trees of the garden. Innocence can only enter the kingdom of God. So I asked Jesus where is innocence then?

Then I saw this world pass away and I saw a shining city of great beauty and awe. Innocence is the unity of the spirit with truth, for the truth without spirit is vanity and the spirit without truth is dead. Only when the spirit is energized with truth is the world living and innocent truth is born of spirit and the child awakes and sings praise.

Then Jesus took a deep breath and out of his mouth came three sparrows. They flew up into the air and disappeared in the mist and hazy fog of the future. Then Jesus spoke and said the three sparrows you see are earth, wind and fire, for all that is created were forged of these three. The five trees in paradise are shaken by the wind and the wind is the breath of God. The wind shakes the trees and their fruits fall to the ground and grow into all that is both seen and unseen. It is the fire that tries the world and the earth that coddles and nurtures the soul. Within this balance the spirit is made a verity. Of a truth our lives are written in the words of the living God. Thus the child speaks through the garden of the mind‘s heart. Suddenly the dark abyss and precipice was standing in front of me and I was looking into its depth. I felt the Lord beside me and I was not afraid. I realized the nature of God. This God was this light hidden by darkness. I began to weep and Jesus wept with me, then he smiled his eyes sparkled and I knew not to be troubled. He said the abyss is where God gains much of his strength. Yet the perfect God who, only his image do we know, does not need the abyss to exist. God was before the beginning of the abyss. The abyss is the recompense for free will.

Then I saw the lamb of God and the shepherd and fields and rivers in peace and harmony, nor does this vision leave me. So as I speak this in letter and in deed the strength of the Lord is ever present in me. Knowing that the silence of the inner child is only a veil hiding the treasure of the truth of God within. I came down from the clouds and suddenly I felt myself reborn and new life. As if the essence of this child was now who I became. I was standing on the shore of the waters and I saw Jesus he then went back up into the sky and sat upon a great throne placed in the heavens by God. I was back to my present day and I felt that God was more evident than I had known before. That through the veil of my own understanding mind that God was more real than even my present time and life. That the inner reality was more than what I could see with my eyes and hear with my ears. We are visited by the revelation of our inner world on daily basis. It requires the eyes and ears of the inner person opened to realize the message of the spirit of truth. A fountain of water flows and nurtures the soul and we are fed upon the bread of life. The fruit of the trees sustain us as we search within for our way of life. It is the presence of the spirit in truth, liberty born of love, that keeps life on course.

Peace to God and the lord Jesus Christ from the beginning, amen.
cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 10 Oct, 2008 08:45 pm
Summarize that into a couple of sentences will ya? thanks.
Reply Fri 10 Oct, 2008 09:37 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Summarize that into a couple of sentences will ya? thanks.

In a word: "empowerment",

Omni power, Omni knowing and Omni present.

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