Sorry for being AWOL from my own topic. It wasn't rudeness, merely forgetfulness...
Adrian wrote:Started with the Games Workshop stuff at about 14. Played 'em all, 40K, epic, fantasy, Space Hulk, Necromunda, Blood Bowl.
I've been exclusively a Fantasy wargamer for a while. Like you, I started with GW at 14, playing Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay at school. Moved from there into WH Fantasy Battle, Space Hulk, Advanced Heroquest, Mighty Empires & Bloodbowl etc until girls & beer started taking all my spare time and cash at 17. My stuff sat in my parents' loft until a couple of years ago, when I decided I was mature enough to not care that some of my friends thought it was sad and geeky to play with toy soldiers!
Quote:The best games I've played though were freeforms. Fell in love with the format, wrote and ran a few myself. Won a bunch of best player awards at conventions. Kinda started drifting away from it by about 21. Haven't played anything in the last 4-5 years but I still have friends that do regularly and I still get the urge everynow and again.
Damn, now I feel like rustlin' up some friends. I've still got about half a dozen stories written and ready to go.
I'll have to admit my ignorance of freeforms. The concept of writing a scenario/mission/adventure for an existing game system I can understand, but do you create your own combat/magic systems, or have I missed the point of freeform? I'm a slave to the dice...
Quote:Oh, and I was usually the storyteller (I hate the term "dungeon master") and I don't wear glasses, have never owned a pocket protector and have never really had any urge to control people. I did have acne though.
I have never refered to myself as "a general, commanding an army" either, as that definitely gives the impression of megalomania!
I'm just a guy, playing a game...