I guess I'm fortunate that my work is portable. I'm doing the same kind of work I did maybe 20 years ago. I'm grateful to be able to make my own hours. I'm also grateful (thrilled to pieces, in fact) to be out of the corporate world. It sucked the life right out of me.
The downside--I don't earn nearly as much money. I don't need as much, but still it would be nice to have more.
Some kinds of jobs that don't require much thinking are appealing to me. But I think I'd get bored and start creating challenges for myself that aren't part of the job.
I know that the job I have in mind will be boring which is something I usually can't stomache either, but just the thought of having almost 4 months off in the winter gives me that little spark I need to go for it. If I were to have to do it all year round, it would be out of the question. I'd go nuts ;-)
You have my dream job and I envy you ;-) Money isn't everything to me either. If you spend long days at a job you hate, that's not worth any amount of money in my opinion. I'm happy with the simple things in life.
no amount of money can buy time

......I think I'm going to set up a shop on email selling gun stuff..seems kinda kool I even know someone who does it.
There you go SC, but "gun stuff"?
Don't get me started Roger, LOL! ;-)
Oh god long list, I'm a collector. I got alot of pre ban FAL mags I gotta get rid of as well as some AK mags...theres so much lol...I'm not sure if it's legal to sell firearms on ebay but am looking into it then again ATF only classifies the frame as the weapon the rest can be sold freely, like I said long list.
Montana, I have your dream job? Who knew? To me it's no dream job. I'm good at what I do, but I don't think my personality is suited to it.
When I was corporately downsized, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I really wanted to do. Did some exploring. Finally arrived at the answer. Nothing. That's what I want to do. Absolutely positively nothing but what I damn feel like. So far, I haven't been able to find anyone who's willing to pay me for that. Phooey.
Roberta wrote:Montana, I have your dream job? Who knew? To me it's no dream job. I'm good at what I do, but I don't think my personality is suited to it.
When I was corporately downsized, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I really wanted to do. Did some exploring. Finally arrived at the answer. Nothing. That's what I want to do. Absolutely positively nothing but what I damn feel like. So far, I haven't been able to find anyone who's willing to pay me for that. Phooey.
Great minds think alike Roberta ;-) Now doing whatever I please if it means doing nothing if I feel like it is the ultimate dream job for sure. I am very faithful in playing the lottery though, so I'm waiting for that job to pay off :-D
Now that you mention it, I do think eBay can be restrictive on what is sold there, Safecracker. You may have to get your own website and promote it in Shotgun News, depending on costs. I think even yahoo shopping avoids actual firearms.
Phew!!! That's good Rog ;-)

Montana, then you are not as dangerous as your avatar suggests.

Shhhhhh!!!! Don't tell anyone ;-)
I'm tough I tell ya!!!!
I am a night owl as well, but I hoot on trees other than a2k during the night
Tee Hee
LOL Gautam. I don't doubt that for a second ;-)
Good morning :-)
Wow!!! You don't sit still for a minute ;-)
Having fun?