Sun 20 Jul, 2008 09:06 am
If I finish it, this will only be my second completed Cryptic but I wanted to confirm a couple of answers please and I am missing one. If I am right, any info on why these are the correct answers would be greatly appreciated.
1d Books in official lists R*G*S**R* REGISTERS?
56d Celebrities sing out for Leo et al ****S*G*S CALLSIGNS?
63d Lingers and tries to capture a third person T*R*I*PS TURNIPS?
72a Engineer sits behind sad, cruel people **D*S*S SADISTS?
59a Keep other ingredients for pan P**
56d Celebrities sing out for Leo et al ****S*G*S CALLSIGNS?
63d Lingers and tries to capture a third person T*R*I*PS TURNIPS?
holiday cryptic 65
Hi striker,
At 56d and 63d I have the answers given by fresco. Can't fathom where your P comes from? At 1d I have registers, for 72a sadists and at 59a pot. Hope these help.
holiday cryptic 65
Hi striker,
Just remembered you wanted explanations of each. Hope I get these correct.
1a. Books in = registers and official lists are also registers.
56d. Celebrities = STARS + sign out gives INGS for Leo et al (and others) Virgo Capricorn etc all starsigns.
63d Anagram of tries +a + r from 3rd person.
72a Anagram of sad + sits.
59a The p at end of keep with ot from others.
Hope this has been of some help.