Wed 9 Jul, 2008 02:24 am
"Work At It" on page 13 has me at a loss at the moment but I'll get there eventually. Anyone else interested in these Editor Challenge puzzles?
One clue I like:
Curt memo about someone who undergoes daily training. (8)
I'm interested in these puzzles but keep getting stumped and having to wait til the next book for the answers. Did you get commuter as your answer to this clue? I'd love help to point me in the right direction!
I had a breakthrough with this puzzle last night. They are really very clever -- the theme is always right there in front of you but you just can't see it.
Yes, I got commuter.
If you need any specific hints, let me know! I've got the answerline, just not every single answer for the clues. But I can work backwards now.