blue heeler

Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 11:46 am
inside or outside dog
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Region Philbis
Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 11:52 am
blue heelers are herding dogs
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Reply Tue 8 Jul, 2008 11:55 am
I think it's a medium sized dog. They are herding animals by nature so outside would probably be the best place. They need jobs to do...like teaching them to get the paper. Our Australian shepherd will pick up toys when we tell is to. Things of that nature.

We let ours inside at night time to sit with us and chew their bone. Seems to work well for us.
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 07:34 pm
Heelers are SMART! Kept inside with no one around to work (play) with, they'll be bored out of their skull and get into trouble. My friend has three permanent and one foster Australian Cattle Dogs. She keeps them crated during the day, then goes for plenty of exercise when she gets home. They all learn obedience (the show kind) and have lessons. It's more of a pack than I could deal with!

You also have to be able to keep your alpha position. These guys will run things if you let them!
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Reply Wed 9 Jul, 2008 08:32 pm
One of the smartest things I did with my male Aussie shepherd was holding him down when he was a puppy. I would hold him down and talk sweet and when he would struggle I would just keep him still until he quit trying to get up - talking sweet to him the whole time. He knows I am the boss now...and I don't have to fight with 70lbs of dog flesh...he got much larger than they said he would. Big ol' good lookin' boy!

His favorite (self-proclaimed) job is guarding the perimeter of the house. He has a track that runs around the fence and across the back yard...He does it dozens of times a day. He can get the newspaper and he puts the toys up. He also herds my three boys when they are in the backyard...he is great at tug of war too...just about pulls my shoulder out of socket yankin on that rope.

Herding dogs are great but the do have a lot of energy and need jobs to keep them busy - or they will find something to do, like chewing furniture or tearing something up...not good.
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Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 02:17 pm
mismi, that is smart! it's the kind of thing a momdog does -- no matter how pup complains, mom holds him still until her job is done (cleaning, discipline, whatever).

My doggie is tiny but he looks to me for instruction whenever there's a decision to be made.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 04:40 pm
we had a heeler... smart.... but if you don't keep them busy they will be VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY destructive...
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Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 04:55 pm
Yep, our last heeler mix was destructive, our present heeler mix is destructive. I don't really believe in "outside" dogs unless they truly are working dogs (and it doesn't sound to me like you've got a herd or a flock to tend), so I'd have to go with inside dog there.

But... make sure to use the crate, and use it properly (e.g., not as punishment, and as a welcome place) and have plenty of exercise and stimulation. These dogs are absurdly smart and willful, and they will demand to be part of the family if they don't have a clearly defined role elsewhere.

The biggest thing I'd caution against is failing to socialize the hell out of the dog. He should meet all kinds of people very early on, and make suer he's used to being handled and restrained, like mismi said. I know a couple of heelers (as well as my former cross) who are impossible at the vet because they didn't get accustomed to being handled like that as pups.

Heelers have a tendency to be absurdly loyal to their owners and suspicious about strangers, so getting used to other folks at a young age is crucial.
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Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 06:30 pm
You really think keeping dogs in a crate all day is better than letting them be outside? I will not be home during the day come fall...I cannot imagine leaving my poor Pistol in the crate all day...he loves chasing the squirrels and guarding the house. And herding Biscuit. Both he and Biscuit get to come in in the evenings with us...but I can't imagine keeping them in all day...

And I guess you mean in a crate...because they could do some damage if they are bored in the house without being crated. I always heard that a big fenced yard was better for dogs than being in crates...especially bigger dogs.

Just curious...what you are saying is different than anything I have ever heard. I would love to know if what I had been rearing was wrong.

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Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 06:54 pm
I have an Australian shepard border collie mix and even though he is still a puppy he is really really smart.

We walk for at least 30 minutes a day, usually more, usually with a weighted backpack. In additon he runs on a treadmill at about 6 miles an hour for at least another 30 minutes a day. We also have a rousing game of fetch.

He still gets in a little trouble but he's not too destructive.
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Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 06:57 pm
Sorry, not a complete post. Proper crate use doesn't really include all-day crating in my book, either, but we do use it for a couple of hours at a time. Usually the pup just sleeps in it, and I think these dogs do much better later on if they have to be boarded or kept in a kennel at the vet's. Two of my dogs are escape artists and temperatures can be lethally low for much of the year here, so outside isn't really an option.

Until the pup can be trusted, we set aside a room in the house as the puppy room -- just dog stuff, lots of toys, big bowl of water -- for when we're away for long periods of time. (Not good to leave pups alone for more than a few hours anyway.)
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Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 07:03 pm
Okay...I see. I crate trained both my doggies - so they got a lot of crate time initially as well. But they are definitely outside unless we are home when it's raining and in the evenings....they seem to like it that way.

Thanks for clearing it up for me.
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Reply Thu 10 Jul, 2008 07:12 pm
Not really a dog guy, but have had my moments.

Heelers and border collies are my favorites, and on the farm we had several of each.

My spin is that they get the subtle, but they only care to let on when they decide to acknowledge you. (they are very catlike dogs)

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