Thu 19 Jun, 2008 02:19 pm
Do you have a dog? Do you live in the city? Do you pick its droppings? I live in a city and I only keep plants. Stepping in dog s hit makes me want to bludgeon some one. How do you feel?
Don't have a dog, don't live in a city, but I can relate to this. I also have feelings about dogs in town being walked without a leash.
I never did understand why people dont pick up their dog ****.
Would you want to just **** in public and walk away from it?
I hope people who dont make a regular habit of cleaning up after their dogs walk in warm wet **** every morning
shewolfnm wrote:
Would you want to just **** in public and walk away from it?
Gawd woman.....that's one helluva visual! LMAO.
People should definitely clean up their dog's crap in public but a lot don't.
I live in the country and even so, I still pick up my dogs ****. And he has almost 4 acres to do it on. But running over it with my lawn mower sucks way more than the chore of getting the pooper scooper out. If you've ever seen an X540 John Deere mower you would know what I'm talkin' about. Pretty deep tread on them back tires. :wink:
oh GOD
There is a reason I dont own a dog..
( picturing dog poop flying everywhere)
oh god...don't get me started with dogs and their ****.
I taught my doggies to go back behind the shed in the ivy...we never walk back there, so we never step in it.
If I am walking the poochies then yes...I carry a bag and scoop and pick it's just the thing to do. gross but necessary
One thing I do admire about dogs though, is how they can stop on a dime and take a crap.
I don't know about you, but when I get the urge, it seldom comes on so quickly that I could say "Wow, I could just take a dump right here." I have to, you know, gear up for it for a bit.
I love it when someone is walking their dog and and the pooch just downloads with no regard as to the humans thoughts on the matter.
If, like, dogs could talk, I picture that the person and dog would be walking along and could be right in the middle of telling a great story about finding some leftover meatloaf or licking its balls and he'll just suddenly say "hold on" and instantly get that far away look in it's eyes, and get down to business.
Meanwhile, the person's all like "so, what happened then? did you have to knock over the garbage can to get to the meatloaf?" and the dog just completely ignores him.
Then, just as suddenly, the dog will just start his story in mid sentence, like nothing had happened.
it's true.
I have a 5 month old black lab named Biscuit - the other day I was giving her and Pistol water and she started to squat in a no-no place...I quickly said NO and pulled up her backend and said go...she turned and went to the okay place. I think she is just like my children and testing her limits.
Humans CAN do this.
Just spend some time in a nursing home...
you'll see..
I think its hilarious when i see some one walking a Mastiff or a Great Dane and the person has to use two hand and various tools to pick up their dogs mountainous **** heap.
I pick up after my dog -- if I can find it! He only weighs four pounds and I feed him very digestible food. The end result is a piece about as big as the first joint of my little finger.
I also don't let him go on walkways or lawns. Only places people don't walk or play. He's pretty amiable about it.
Wy wrote:The end result is a piece about as big as the first joint of my little finger.
If only Labs pooped turds that small.....I would be a happy owner.