My students are from all over New York and New Jersey- most from the city - some from down in Camden - some from Rochester and Syracuse,
They ALL use the word all the time. And at first - I didn't particularly like it- but then I thought- who the hell am I to tell these people what they can and cannot call themselves? I might disagree with it - but I don't have to agree with everything they do- a lot of the time it's none of my business what other people do.
I tend to disengage from people who make me'peevish' instead of stick around and try to tell them what they can and cannot do or say.
But I'm from NJ and I was raised to mind my own business - know what I'm saying...?
Highseas - I always like all colors together. I'm a white woman with two black children - I thought that big white swan with the lovely black baby swan was BEAUTIFUL! In fact - I think the world could only be better if there were more sights like that.
(I didn't like the desk though - not substantial enough - no matter what color).