Foshizzle my nizzle

Reply Fri 19 Sep, 2003 08:17 pm
Very vivid comparison, nimh. Enjoyed your thoughts.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Sep, 2003 10:28 pm
We was playing this one a LOT earlier on ... had to reimport it into my Media Library, looked up the lyrics. They're good.


Hailie's Song (Eminem)

Yo I can't sing ... but I feel like singing.
I want to fuckin' sing ... cuz I'm happy ...
yea ... I'm happy. Huhuh!
I got my baby back ... yo ... check it out...

Somedays I sit staring out the window, watchin' this world pass me by
Sometimes I think there's nothin' to live for. I almost break down and cry.
Sometimes I think I'm crazy. I'm crazy, oh so crazy! Why am I here? Am I just wasting my time
But then I see my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy. It all makes sense when I look into her eyes

Cuz sometimes it feels like the world's on my shoulders. Everyone's leaning on me
Cuz sometimes it feels like the world's almost over, but then she comes back to me.

My baby girl keeps getting' older. I watch her grow up with pride.
People make jokes cuz they don't understand me, they just don't see my real side
I act like **** don't phase me, inside it drives me crazy. My insecurities could eat me alive
But then I see my baby, suddenly I'm not crazy. It all makes sense when I look in her eyes.

Cuz sometimes it feels like the world's on my shoulders. Everyone's leaning on me
Cuz sometimes it feels like the world's almost over, but then she comes back to me.

Man, if I could sing, I'd keep singin' this song to my daughter.
If I could hit the notes, I'd blow something as long as my father
to show her how I feel about her. How proud I am that I got her.
God, I'm a daddy, I'm so glad that her mom didn't [xxxx]
Now you probably get this picture from my public persona
that I'ma pistol packin' drug addict who bags on his mama.
But I wanna to just take this time out to be perfectly honest,
cuz there's a lot of **** I keep bottled that hurts deep inside
of my soul. And just know that I grow colder the older I grow.
This boulder on my shoulder gets heavy and harder to hold,
and this load is like the weight of the world,
and I think my neck is breakin'. Should I just give up
or try to live up to these expectations?
Now look, I love my daughter more than life in itself,
but I got a wife that's determined to make my life livin' hell.
But I handled it well, given the circumstances I'm dealt.
So many chances, man, it's too bad - could have had someone else
But the years that I've wasted is nothing to the tears that I've tasted,
so here's what I'm facin' ... 3 felonies, 6 years of probation.
I've went to jail for this woman, I've been to bat for this woman.
I've taken bats to people's backs, bent over backwards for this woman.
Man, I should have seen it coming. What did I stick my penis up in?
Wouldn't have ripped the pre-nup up if I'da seen what she was fuckin.'
But **** it, it's over. There's no more reason to cry no more.
I got my baby, baby the only lady that I adore
(Hailie). So sayonara, try tommorra, nice to know ya.
Our baby's traveled back to the arms of her rightful owner.
And suddenly it seems like my shoulder blades have just shifted.
It's like the greatest gift you can get. The weight has been lifted.

And now it dont feel like the world's on my shoulders. Everyone's leaning on me
coz my baby knows that her daddy's a soldier, nothing can take her from me.

Told you I can't sing .. Oh well... I tried...
Hailie, remember when I said if you ever need anything, Daddy would be right there?
Guess what? Daddy's here, and I ain't going nowhere, baby. I love you ...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 25 Jan, 2004 04:16 pm
hip hop is awesome especially underground hip hop it's the best. mainstream rap sucks.
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tagged lyricist
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2004 06:58 am
i find it strange how this whole discussion on an art form as varried as jazz centres on three artists: emenem, 2pac and common. not very indepth. It does show one thing though, that hip hop is powerful enough to get people talking (hate speech or not you thinking about it).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2004 09:53 am
Well, you're welcome to add your own in-depth insights, that would be wonderful!

Meanwhile, the "name-dropping" has mostly happened elsewhere, I think .. for instance, unexpectedly, in the "rap is crap" thread. You're welcome there, too.
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tagged lyricist
Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2004 01:39 pm
nah it's way to much to type had this discussion way to often about hip hop and to be honest, it's like so what. You either like it or you don't. I mean most people do only haer the commercial stuff and I suppose it's not their fault it's the radio's and MTV's for being such god dam boring capitlists. But like any other artisitc genre it has it good and bad points... Nothing's is perfect as much as I like hip hop I'm not gonna say it's the best cos it's not.

Anyway here's a list of some more interesting hip hop acts:
The unspoken heard
Saul williams
Sarah Jones
DJ Cam
DJ Shadow
Talib Kweli and Mos Def (Black Star)
DJ Premier
Guru and jazzmatazz
Roots Manuva
People under the stairs
The Spooks
Jurrasic 5
Dilated Peoples
DJ Spinna
DJ Crush

Listen to some this stuff, i mean you'll soon see Hip Hop's got a soft side, a funky side, a hard side and jazzy side, while some of the abstract hip hop beats are just plain mellow listening. Not to emntion that hip hops influence Acid Jazz, acid breaks, big beats, phat beats and down tempo msic across the board.
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Reply Mon 26 Jan, 2004 07:37 pm
tagged_lyricist wrote:
Anyway here's a list of some more interesting hip hop acts: <snip>

Listen to some this stuff, i mean you'll soon see Hip Hop's got a soft side, a funky side, a hard side and jazzy side, while some of the abstract hip hop beats are just plain mellow listening.

Yeah, I really like DJ Cam, he's one of my faves. I like Roots Manuva a lot, too, tho its kinda hit-and-miss with his tracks - its very edgy, more with the head than the heart, and his experiments go wrong sometimes too. But when he's good, he's good.

Dj Shadow - thats more trip-hop than hip-hop, aint it. I like it, but its very moody. When it comes to the whole abstract / blunted beats thing I like other stuff better. DJ Krush is OK, but my favourite right now is still Nightmares on Wax. Love him.

We've been mentioning Mos Def around already, I think - YEH, he's good. And hell, about Jurassic Five we've even had a whole separate thread: hip hop and Jurassic 5.

Thaz all also to say that theres enough threads here with the name-dropping. Its cool, of course, that you add your list. But personally, when I got to re-read this thread thanks to you bumping it up, I was really glad that we typed all those thoughts out. Cause some of that stuff was good. <grins>.

It dont matter that we took like, two, three examples that everyone would know to build it all on. I mean, "soundslike"-recommendations you can get anywhere. But we was speaking our mind - and it was interesting! A belated thanks to all ya for participating back then!

Oh, and I did not like that Guru/Jazzmatazz thing. Weak. Its like listening to US3 or something. Though theres plenty people I know who like US3, too, so who knows.
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tagged lyricist
Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2004 03:44 pm
okay nimh sorry about the underestmation, yeah night mares on wax is phat but he's more acid jazz then anything else all though on his DJ kicks album he's gotta a lot of hip hop tracks (such as a tribe called quest or Socrates).

You know loop troop I saw them out here???

Hey by the way i'm really into my Thievery corpartion and Hotel Costes comps at the mo but I'm also diggin the gorillaz dub remixes (I mean deltron the funky homosapien on 3030 roocks so does kid koala.

Anyway you tell me what people think of loop troop up there?
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Reply Tue 27 Jan, 2004 08:16 pm
The Hotel Costes albums are cool, I d/l'd a buncha that stuff, almost cocktail-lounge popcorn stuff, nice and e-z. The Buddha Bar cd's seem kinda the same, judging from the dozen or so tracks I took. I havent found a Thievery Corp track that didnt bore me yet, tho, but a lota people like him, so I dunno, could be me.

3030 that track is good, I like it a lot! But I dont know Loop troop. What re they like?

Yeh, Nightmares on Wax is more like abstract beats than actual hip hop, but I like it that they got a real hip-hop feel to them, kinda like with the instrumental DJ Cam tracks. Anyway, there's one NoW track thats got a rapper, I LOVE it, its called "70s 80s", rapper is called LSK, that track is so laid-back its almost cute, all whimsical but still hip hop, you know? And LSK did some other good stuff in the same vein too, like "Rap Starr", like that one a lot too.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2004 09:55 pm
The whole sizzle tizzile about the drizzles..... I have to cast my vote on the "that's ridiculous" side. If these people who put EFFORT into "learning" such nonsense, put forth the SAME EFFORT into expanding their English vocabulary... or hell, atleast a universally recognizable language... the world would be a better, smarter place.
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Reply Wed 18 Feb, 2004 10:05 pm
The "creating izzle words so they will rhyme"... where's the talent in that??

By the way:

For those that think this fozzle kozzle crap is cool and original ..... I have some reccommended reading for you


Go ahead, read it out loud.....
See how silly it sounds.....???
Doesn't even make sense... just a bunch of letters thrown together to make funny sounding words.
Which is FANTASTIC .....

For a four year old.

Dr. Seusse gizzled your nizzle

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Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2004 08:34 am
And those, what do they call themselves, rock and roll musicians - the noise they make, they call that music? Its just the same four chords over and over again! I love you, this, yeh yeh yeh that ... if they would put the same effort into actually learning a musical instrument they might grow to appreciate some real music, like jazz, or Bach! Puerile nonsense. Oh, what is becoming of the youth of today, I ask you ...
0 Replies
Craven de Kere
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2004 10:51 am
Vocabulary is a good thing (sez me who loves words). But the camraderie of having "inside pronnunciation" is fun.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 Feb, 2004 11:40 pm
nimh wrote:
And those, what do they call themselves, rock and roll musicians - the noise they make, they call that music? Its just the same four chords over and over again! I love you, this, yeh yeh yeh that ... if they would put the same effort into actually learning a musical instrument they might grow to appreciate some real music, like jazz, or Bach! Puerile nonsense. Oh, what is becoming of the youth of today, I ask you ...

Not to "bash" or cause hard feelings, or anything because I like all types of music, and I'm not really even defending rock and roll. However...

"Puerile nonsense"... could also be used to describe the claims of someone who knows "real music", yet is obviously extremely closed minded, not to mention stuck in a time warp. ALL music takes talent, whether you have the discipline to actually appreciate it, without particularly liking it, is what will give you the authority to claim that you know what "real music" is. Especially when you openly criticize on something you obviously know nothing about.... if you play an instrument... I challenge you to challenge yourself.... you try it. I don't particularly prefer Jazz music, but I can appreciate the skill and talent it takes to play a saxophone. Rock and Roll was about "I love you this.. yeh..yeh..." in the early nineties, times have changed. "Rock n Roll" is not a term broadly used these days, because of the DIVERSITY of style (though you claim it consists of four chords) it was split into more defining genres. 90% of country songs are played in only THREE chords.. so does that make country music insignificant?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and you shouldn't have to defend that opinion... UNTIL.. you start looking down your nose at others and trying to make yourself look and feel superior to everyone. Then you need to make sure you know what you're talking about so you have something to stand on, otherwise, you end up making yourself look like a jackass.

I hope you "grow to appreciate" the beauty of music in it's entirety and try to open your mind.

I hope even more so, that you can accept constructive criticism without taking it personally.... I'm just stating, and standing on my opinion.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2004 09:19 am
soserene wrote:
I hope even more so, that you can accept constructive criticism without taking it personally.... I'm just stating, and standing on my opinion.

LOL! No, Soserene, dont worry - I won't take it personally. I think your post was great.

This is where I have to point out, I guess, that I was being ironic. I shoulda put a smiley in there, huh?

I was talking about rock 'n' roll the way you talked about hip hop (or hip hop vernacular, in any case). Everything you say in defense of rock 'n' roll - the diversity of it, the skill it takes, etc - can be said about hip hop, too. And your take on hip hop ("silly", "for a four year old") sounds an awful lot like what the parents of the fifties were saying about rock 'n' roll.

That was what I was trying to playfully show. Next time I'll add [irony] tags around it, OK? :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Feb, 2004 03:28 pm
nimh wrote:
soserene wrote:
I hope even more so, that you can accept constructive criticism without taking it personally.... I'm just stating, and standing on my opinion.

LOL! No, Soserene, dont worry - I won't take it personally. I think your post was great.

This is where I have to point out, I guess, that I was being ironic. I shoulda put a smiley in there, huh?

I was talking about rock 'n' roll the way you talked about hip hop (or hip hop vernacular, in any case). Everything you say in defense of rock 'n' roll - the diversity of it, the skill it takes, etc - can be said about hip hop, too. And your take on hip hop ("silly", "for a four year old") sounds an awful lot like what the parents of the fifties were saying about rock 'n' roll.

That was what I was trying to playfully show. Next time I'll add [irony] tags around it, OK? :wink:

Hmmm.. you were being funny....??
*rereads your last post*


What can I say? *blush*

*looks around...*..... "where did I put that......"

"Ahhh!!! Here it is."

*holds up her sense of humor*

Sorry darlin Smile
Speakin of lookin like a jackass..........

But I am NOT closed minded as far as hip hop music.... I simply made a comparison that that kind of vocabulary is traditionally most entertaining to children. Dr. Seuss was famous for it.

IF there is or ever will be a whole genre of people hizzle fizzling, then I would still say that it's ridiculous and childish WITHOUT being narrow minded... (stands on her opinion still anyway) lol
0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Feb, 2004 06:59 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Sep, 2004 07:09 am
Mos Def:

Yes, I am the inescapable, the irresistable,
The unnegotiable, the unchallenged
I am time

I scroll in measurements, control the elements,
I hold the evidence, I tell the story
I am time

I know no prejudice, I bare no sentiments
For wealth or settlement, I move forward
I am time

You can't recover me, conceal or smuggle me,
Retreat or run from me, crawl up or under me,
You can't do much for me besides serve
Me well and have good dividends returned to you
Or attempt to kill me off and have me murder you
Many have wasted me but now they are facing me,
Treated me unfaithfully and now endure me painfully
Plaintively, I wait to see what history will shape to be,
Whose hearts will never die inside the sake of me
Angels scribe the page for me,
Keep a full account of all the names for me
And make a special mark for Hurricane who earn it patiently


Thats from Hurricane.

Oh, by the way, those of you who havent stopped by yet, pretty please:

Recommend me a good hip-hop track
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