Fri 9 May, 2008 12:25 pm
what really seems weird to me is that there is a law against abusing a corpse.
They dug into this gravesite and that was enough to warrant the abuse of corpse charge," Chomiak said. "There has to be further investigation into the actual gravesite."
Kingwood is a vast right-wing suburb.
The rich white kids get pretty bored after they have inserted firecrackers into the anuses of frogs and blown them up, and posted on about American Conservatism in 2008, so they have to get creative about their entertainment.
Looking forward to seeing you next week, dude.
There are quite a few laws on corpses and I found a bit of a listing here if it helps any for you:
Legal Dictionary " Corpse"
I think it's pretty grotesque and disrespectful to the family of the person whose head they smoked out of but on the other hand, that person is long since gone and all that is left is a shell.
It would be sort of like getting pissed because some kids picked up a shoe you'd outgrown and smoked out of it.
I dunno. It would bother me if it was my grandson's head they used. I'd be pretty pissed.
Archaeologists e of ttake great delight in digging up corpses then parading them to museums around the country. Certain cultures use skulls as mixing bowls. I know a man who found a skull in the desert in the mid-60's and now keeps it on his fireplace mantle. Granted, he is very weird.
"Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest. . ."
I knew a guy made a xylophone out of a spine. He bonked it while the flowers danced and this black cat strummed its own whiskers. Very primitive.
I suppose it would have the same smoking characteristics as would a bowling ball, with the possible exception of the added flavor of any remaining remnants of, you know, human flesh.
Probably not as distinctive as, say, a blood bong (and easier to draw through, I'm guessing).
real life is pretty much a universal fiction.
the meaning of life?
DUH. life is way overrated. no joke.