eastern ontario is "limestone country" with a fairly thin layer of soil over hardpan .
our house (and subdivision) was built on the land of a former penitentiary farm - hard soil and lots of rocks , too .
in those days (1963) the builder didn't lay a lawn - the lawn seeding was left up to the home owner .
here i was in my prime :wink: double digging about 10,000 sQ. feet of raw soil .
after coming home from work and having had supper , i spent about 3 to 4 hours an evening "double digging" - i lost about 15 pounds in thre months of digging .
we now have a beautiful garden , but have given up on the vegetable garden - the roots of a a neigbour's maple tree invaded our veg. patch , so we gave up - must be getting old :wink: .
but we have kept our herb garden .
double digging is an excellent way to break up hard pan and bring your weight down .
the south-side of our garden : lawn , perennials , hedge and spruce trees - all doing well - but don't dig down too deep : hardpan .