, let me slip you a monte cristo....
Yummy....and in return, here, put your hand in my pocket, I've got a big wad of cash in there that's all yours...
Kicky ! ! !
You traitor ! ! !
I'm sorry! I'm weak! I'm a weak, weak, horny, sammich-lovin' man! I'll make it up to you. Here, you can half of my monte cristo.
kickycan wrote:Yummy....and in return, here, put your hand in my pocket, I've got a big wad of cash in there that's all yours...
3 ones is not a big wad of cash, it takes at least 5.
Yes, but they're wrapped around my dong.
(shhh...don't tell chai)
Mmmm Cheese toasties - thanx wimmin Chai - I was gonna get bread but my min left the garbage can in the drive and I hit it as I reversed outta the garage - well, fer goodness sake - I was putting my make up on the rear view mirra and the garbage can shouldna bin there.
kickycan wrote:Yes, but they're wrapped around my dong.
(shhh...don't tell chai)
Half a roll of dimes still doesn't make $5.
Izzie wrote:Mmmm Cheese toasties - thanx wimmin Chai - I was gonna get bread but my min left the garbage can in the drive and I hit it as I reversed outta the garage - well, fer goodness sake - I was putting my make up on the rear view mirra and the garbage can shouldna bin there.
actually my ex did exactly that then called me (we were separated at the time) and explained that I needed to come over to extricate her car from the garage door. I told her to take a taxi.
Izzie wrote:Mmmm Cheese toasties - thanx wimmin Chai - I was gonna get bread but my min left the garbage can in the drive and I hit it as I reversed outta the garage - well, fer goodness sake - I was putting my make up on the rear view mirra and the garbage can shouldna bin there.
A real wimmin woulda been up at 4am this morning BAKING bread!
ha - knew I'd fergotten suumat thismornin. Praps tomorrah.

Gotta r'member to be a real wimmin.
Chai wrote:mismi, I just got your voice mail about this thread. Am I the first to show up?
The nerve of some people. I don't make sammiches unless I have sex first.
....and this is why wimmins is the ones in charge. :wink: mins like us
Where's my sammich ? ! ? ! ?
I'm waiting . . .
Where's my sex ? ! ? !
I'm waiting . . .
kickycan wrote:Where's my sex ? ! ? !
I'm waiting . . .
You're holding your breath and waiting right here in traffic while the wimmins consider that one..k?
Anything for the wimmins...
Sucker . . .
Kicky's PW
Kicky's PW
Kicky's PW
now about that about you mow the yard and take out the garbage - and I'll see about that sammich - might even throw in an ice cold beer...