Wed 7 May, 2008 03:05 pm
This is a mins-only thread--the wimmins don't need to post here, you can go off an do something useful . . . like make sammiches for us for when we get done here.
I would like all the mins to present the wide variety of reasons for why we are in charge, and should be.
The first one which occurs to me is decisiveness. An example:
A man has a headache, but there's nothing in the house for it, so he goes to the store, finds the over the counter meds, finds some aspirin, pays for it, goes home and takes two of them.
The wimmins, now, they would call two or three of their friends to discuss how impossible mins are, how he is just such a big baby whenever he gets sick or gets a little headache, and then, having wasted an hour, will finally get in the car, back out of the drive, knocking over the garbage cans in the process and denting them, and, after roaring off and nearly giving the old couple from down the street a heart attack, will drive to the nearest mall.
Once there, they will immediately go to the nearest shoe store, and spend several hundred dollars they don't have. After that, they will stroll from shop to shop, spending much more money they don't have, and it will be even worse if they have arranged to meet any friends at the mall, or have run into them while they, too, are spending money the don't have.
Four hours later (if yer lucky), they will arrive home, driving over little Susie's bike (which she isn't bright enough not to leave in the driveway), and bang in the house, complaining that the man didn't run out to help carry in all the packages.
"Did you get the aspirin, Honey?"
What a poor choice of yours to rely on wimmins for such benign matters..
Mismi, i said no wimmins. You can go get me a cold drink and a sammich, though . . .
You didn't really expect us to listen to you did you?
You wait right there....I'll get that sammich and cold drink...eventually...
Good thing i ate, otherwise i could starve . . .
Let's not forget that whole "I know I said that but it's not what I meant!" thing.
A Min: "So... Anything special you want for Chrstmas/your birthday/etc..?"
A Wimmin: "Nope! I don't want anything!"
So ya gets her nuttin' and then holy hell breaks lose and ya never heard such catterwallin' like it before.
How the heck can ya expect someone who can't make up their friggin' mind to run anything?
*** For the wimmins that be lurkin': I'll take one of those pastrami sammiches on rye bread with swiss cheese and a little mustard. And a beer too! A cold one. ***
Hey, I want a sammich too!
See how decisive I was there? No WAY a woman would be that decisive!
Oh Missy - gotta run to the store and pick up sum bred fer the Mins sammiches ... wanna stop by the mall for a coffee with me hun? Don't yer ferget the mins credit card a?
Fishin' has brought up a real good point . . . wimmins is deceitful.
Kicky, you'd be better off gettin' that sammich fer yourself, unless you don't care what kind of sammich you get, or how long you have to wait.
Mismi showed up, an' i bet she's already called 15 wimmins to complain about this thread . . . we may have to wait a long time fer sammiches tonight . . .
Oh yeah - we can stop by a few stores, have a look around - oh I really fancied some new clothes and perfume and lipstick and ..... oh.... we'll be quick.... then Stop n Shop, pick up some bread and we can go home to our min and make the sammiches and get them beer.
Oh - complete!
Izzie wrote:Oh yeah - we can stop by a few stores, have a look around - oh I really fancied some new clothes and perfume and lipstick and ..... oh.... we'll be quick.... then Stop n Shop, pick up some bread and we can go home to our min and make the sammiches and get them beer.
Oh - complete!

Try not to hit any parked cars in the parking lot this time m'kay? :wink:
Hey ! ! !
No wimmins, yer stompin' all over a perfectly innocent thread ! ! !
mismi, I just got your voice mail about this thread. Am I the first to show up?
The nerve of some people. I don't make sammiches unless I have sex first.
Don't fall for it, mins, it's a trap ! ! !
(not here really...
oh ... Missy ... must remember to get the throw cushions from the store too - yer know - did hint for at least 3 months to my min that I wanted new throw cushions - but when it came to my Birthday - nuttin' - not even a little pillow! Yer would think my min woulda known!!)

Too late!
I hope you enjoyed that, my sweet, sweet Chai...
mismi..izzie....I just made the most dee-licious sammiches....some of them are grilled cheese.
Care for one?
Heck, I made so many, we can all have 3 or 4!!!
Now, do I get to have sex with mismi too if she gives me a sammich?