Thu 1 May, 2008 06:27 am
Hi all, can anyone help me with the last few of this crossword?
23d rule about doctor making thunderous sound - 6 letters - looks like
?u?b?? maybe rumble not sure.
39a around five, crazy ref stole doggy-bag contents - I thought it was lazybones but not sure - seems to be a 9 letter word starting with L
33d - ignored characters while eating away - 7 letters e?b?i?g
29d - a top tooth can be a tricky thing - 3 & 6 - looks like ?o? ?o??t?
any help would be much appreciated. Thanks
colossus cryptic
Hello Verso,
23d. Iagree Looks as though it wants to be rumble. But that would make a doctor MB" RU??LE around doctor.??
39a. LEFTOVERS. Anagram of five= v + crazy ref.
33d. ERODING. Anagram of ignored
29d. HOT POTATO. Another anagram of a top tooth.
Just checked. Rumble is correct. MB is a bachelor of medicine.
Good luck with your entry.
39a around five, crazy ref stole doggy-bag contents
39a. LEFTOVERS. Anagram of five= v + crazy ref.
You did, of course, really mean to say -
crazy (anagram) of REF STOLE around V = LEFTOVERS = doggy bag contents.
colossus cryptic
Hi Lezzles,
Yes, of course thats what I meant to say!!!! Sometimes the brain, eyes and fingers get out of sync. Unfortunately it seems to be happening alot lately. Think old age (and tiredness) are taking their toll. At least I can still laugh at myself. Have a great day.
Many thanks fellow puzzlers - that is a great help - cheers