Mon 28 Apr, 2008 03:17 pm
What does it mean when you are watching a movie on a DVD and it freezes for a few seconds? I figure it might be some dust but not sure. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks!
Cheap player, damaged disk, badly made disk, dust...
Before I play a rented DVD or CD, I clean it with one of those moistened eyeglass wipes. I go from the center of the disc outwards, never in a circular motion. I started doing this when I got a DVD from the library, and it started freezing and pixillating. After cleaning it, the film worked perfectly.
If a disc is TOO damaged, if it has a really deep scratch, you can't fix it, but I have found that most of the time, my method works.
I should have mentioned that I use my computer to watch DVDs. I do not own a DVD player! I own a VCR which I never use!
On the computer it could be a lot of things..
Not enough memory
spyware or other malware
Your virus protection software updating or eliminating spyware
That number cruncing program you are running for SETI to help them find intelligent life.
Make sure all other programs are closed
Victor, it would have helped if you'd mentioned that at the start.