Sun 27 Apr, 2008 04:36 am
Hi, i hope someone out there can help me with the last few questions in a quiz on bird names, they are all cryptic clues, and i believe birds that are found in the United Kingdom. although this isn't stated in the quiz, all the other answers have been!!
Polished antipodean
Sign of happiness
Often heard without cause
Has this bird found a gem
sign of happiness = bluebird
Has this bird found a gem = ruby throated hummingbird
A purple throated mountain gem is a hummingbird. I don't know if it is in the UK though.
Yes, but "no Song Thrush seen in the mountain".
I often hear a Song Thrush for no reason...
thanks for your help so far, keep em coming!!
Polished antipodean is surely Australian, but the name doesn't come to mind.
I would love to see a bird called a terwilliger, but that's actually a street in Tulsa, OK.
Hi, not sure about that but thanks anyway, i am wondering if SNIPE may be the answer to Often heard without cause, any thoughts on that??
Francis thought that was Song Thrush?
Well, you can hear snipes too, without cause. In addition, they can hurt you.
A polished antipodean can be a
Well done Francis. You're not just a pretty accent are you.
dadpad wrote:Well done Francis. You're not just a pretty accent are you.
I hope I'm that too, a pretty accent..