Oh gosh. I have some great photos of Mo that were taken recently but I still don't have photoshop on my new computer so they are sitting dormant until I can crop and stuff.
He really is growing.
And he totally worked hard today. I'm a believer in hard work.
Here's a photo of the front of the house from when we moved it -- you can see the scabby azeleas in place...
I really need something tall in the space between the long window and the little arched window, don't you think? Something drippy and gloopy and smelly? I've been browsing ornamental ironworks for the right doohicky to have something climb on but haven't come across the right solution yet.
I'm still working on a way to hang some geraniums from the little balcony in front and think I'm getting close to finding a way. Tuesday I should be able to trip over to the hardware store to a look-see on some things I need to build what I want.
Right now though, the backyard is the thing. I'm trying to quit fretting about the front.