Thanks blokes. I was aware i was ignoring important variables but wanted to see the calculations for "ideal" conditions. Also with the effective insulation on my hot water service, heat loss to atmosphere must be very low. but i acknowledge, heat loss must be higher at 70C.
By basement I assume you mean constructed below the normal ground level. If this is so there are very few houses with a basement.
If by basement you mean room(s) that have its floor level (approx) level with the normal ground level then these are becoming more common as affluence increases.
Most houses are single story with all rooms located at ground level.
We (aussies) also don't do attics. Most houses have space between the ceiling and actual roofing material but it is generally unused and not easily accessible.
Ambient Temp variables in my area.
Average daily winter temp say 9/10C
with lows of -1C common and -6C on a few days each year.
avg summer temps. 30C with highs of 38 common and extremes of 41c a few days each year.
Its been quite a ride this month (autumn) high of 37.7C on Day 15 and Low of 3.5C on Day 29.
Average temp Victoria experiences warm to hot summers, mild autumns, cool to cold winters and cool springs. The climate varies across the state, with the north experiencing much drier and warmer weather than the south.
* Summer: December to February
Temperatures: from 21°C to 34°C, average 28°C
* Autumn: March to May
Temperatures: from 11°C to 19°C, average 17°C
* Winter: June to August
Temperatures: from -1°C to 12°C, average 8°C
* Spring: September to November
Temperatures: from 10°C to 20°C, average 17°C
From this site
I've always felt because we have such a mild climate that home was never very environmentally friendly and there is lots we could do to decrease energy use.
I feel we could decrease energy consumption markedly by implementing some of the N. American design features.
Double glazing is one such element.
I read somewhere that Australia has the highest
per capita energy use in the world.