Foofie wrote:O.K., here's my two cents. Anti-intellectualism is part of the popular culture in the U.S. I believe it was put there on purpose . . .
As soon as you had gotten that far, you slipped off the edge into unreasoning conspiracy theory. "Put there" by whom? Are you suggesting that someone, prior to the existence of our contemporary culture, foresaw that culture with sufficient accuracy to implant this anti-intellectual strain, but specifically tailored to appeal to the devotees of an era of mass electronic communications? Not to put to fine a point on it--bullshit.
I haven't the least doubt that right-wing and fundamentalist religious rabble-rousers are delighted with such attitudes, and encourage them where they find them. It is more than a little simple-minded, however, to paint some picture of deep-dyed conspiracy spanning the centuries (and an anti-intellectual streak has been in our society since the beginning) the purpose of which was to dumb-down the populace, and which was so cunningly wrought that it functions as intended in an electronic age, having been cobbled together in a quill, ink and parchment age.
In short, get a grip, will ya?