Didn't read through all the posts, so someone might already have suggested this --
but I'd say, get a keyboard that is manufactured to resemble piano as closely as possible. You can find keyboards with weighted keys and exact width of a piano, so they feel like the "real" instrument.
Plus, most keyboards have an excellent advantage -- the ability to use headphones. Therefore you can practice without the whole house wittnessing your activities, and this is also very helpful if you get this spark of inspiration to play during the small hours
... Not even mentioning the fact that the keyboard won't need dedicated space at home and will be portable. Just honestly, don't go for one with those annoying narrow keys...
An afterthought-- I've graduated a musical school (which ment intence practice of 8 years), and ever from those times, I still do play. But mostly guitar, and not so much the piano, which, by the way, was my main instrument back then. Now when I think it over, the main reason is, actually, the noise and rather sensitive neighbours...
Truely, get a keyboard. And best of luck with your practices!