Sun 23 Mar, 2008 03:38 am
need answer to 72a Knocks out editor, spilling tea on board.
Hi sangai
Welcome to a2k.
I have SEDATES for that one.
Hope this helps.
well, thank you for that. Could you tell me how you came up with that answer?
Knock out is a synonym of sedate, which includes the letters 'ed' for editor, and 'ate' for tea. Also my spellchecker came up with 'sedates'. That's the best I can do for you.
Dutchy wrote:Knock out is a synonym of sedate, which includes the letters 'ed' for editor, and 'ate' for tea. Also my spellchecker came up with 'sedates'. That's the best I can do for you.

Dutchy is correct with "ed" and "ate". As for the "s..s", it's a common convention in cryptics that a clue containg the words "on board" or "ship" will have "s..s" in the solution. I've occasionally wondered myself why that was and
here's an explanation.
Thanks for that additional information lmur, you always learn something new.
Hi Dutchy, glad to be of help. :wink:
I tried doing a Dutch crossword once. Not knowing the language was a slight handicap but I struggled manfully on until the brandy bottle was empty and I fell asleep.
I'll bet the answers were all "Double Dutch"
thank you both, much appreciated.