Diane wrote:
Roberta, though, is someone who has added so much to my
life in the form of friendship that never falters, even
when I don't communicate for long periods of time. I love
you Boidy.
Oh, hell. Does this mean I have to get you a present? Love you, too, kid.
Brooke, it is about 450 miles to ABQ. Maybe 7 hours driving time. Not bad for a long weekend. Come anytime, we'd love to meet you.
And what is it, an hour flight?
Diane wrote:Oh Osso, you know the way to my heart!!
Let's go to the Flying Star next week and see if they have anything that comes close. And then we can go to the shoe repair place, the antique stores and whatever else we stumble upon, my shopping pal and fellow exlorer.
You got a deal...
(and another day I want to check out the library that is fairly close to my house - that we didn't know about before - and that paletas place..)
Oh, look what I found...
well, not the semolina nutella recipe, but something equally fetching in this blog -
and then, and then..
Happy birthday from Germany to a strong woman!
from one aries to another, happy birthday

have a great day on monday...
Edgar, I have a feeling I know one of your sources quite intimately. :wink:
Boidy and Jo, between the two of you, my insanity never quite gets out of hand. Out of mind, maybe, but never out of hand. Good thing the three of us rather like 'crazy' people. Guess that's why I love you both. Presents are not requested. Only friendship.
And Jo, those recipes are turning me into a Nutella addict. I thought I'd finished the Nutella 12 step program, but noooo. You had to go and post those goodies. Yummm, mmmmm, mmmmm.
Urs, big hug. Thank you for the birthday greeting. From one strong woman to another.
Green Man, you have done a pretty good job of bringing spring to ABQ, so why haven't you been kinder to the folks in your neck of the woods? The aries ram poster is very stylish and very cool. Thank you, Region.
sorry, no can do.
much too busy with my new hobby...
Wishing you the loveliest day on your Birthday Diane
Ah, the French Horn. Why, may I ask? Are you planning on horsing around with foxes, hounds and horses?
I love the French horn. I was a bassist mainly because our teacher wanted a bassist so I gave up violin and took up bass. Thought lots of cute boys would play bass once I got into high school. There were five girls and one boy in the bass section. Best laid plans and all that.
Don't forget spring. I know some people in the Boston area that ate probably pretty darn sick of winter by now and might be feeling a fair amount of resentment as they listen to you play. Beginning French horn does NOT have a pleasant sound....
{{{{{ Izzie }}}}} More beautiful hummers. Thank you so much.
Hi there, Diane.
In case I can't be online tomorrow (Monday, Oz time) here's wishing you a terrific birthday & a really good year ahead, you wonderful woman!
My very best wishes to you,
Monday after Easter is a public holiday - I think it's called Diane Day, or something.
Anyway - I don't have to go to work, and neither does Olga...or da wabbit.
Australians will take any opportunity for a long weekend, and this is a 4-day one (or 6 days for me - I took 2 extra days!)
They don't call us the land of the long weekend for nuttin'
Have a fanstastic day!
Thanks MsOlgo and Margo.
Boy you aussie know how to live. If you ever figure out a way to beam us to Oz, we'll be there in a few seconds. Why in the world do you have to live in another hemisphere? 'Taint fair.
i decided to take up the instrument after discovering my favorite bass player
(RIP, john) played it...
Diane, you are now my second favorite bass player...
Diane wrote:Thanks MsOlgo and Margo.
Boy you aussie know how to live. If you ever figure out a way to beam us to Oz, we'll be there in a few seconds. Why in the world do you have to live in another hemisphere? 'Taint fair.
If we didnt have it so good you would'nt have anything to be jelouse of.
Tis monday here soooo..... Happy birthday diane
Diane, between us, we need to get Alex Ross' book, The Rest is Noise.
Ok, ok, I'll get it for your birthday, to Diane of the melodious voice, from Ms. Monotone. (I lie, I'll have to wait until the paperbacks are on sale.)
Or, wait, a reason to order it from our library.
Have a great birthday, Diane.
(facebook's likely the little bird)
It's midnight...
makes it Monday here Diane