Sat 22 Mar, 2008 12:17 am
And many more to come!
Yabb dabba - happy birthday!
We have a public holiday in your honour.
Heading out on the harbour in a friend's boat. Will certainly think of you!
Merry, merry Monday and Happy Birthday, too. May the pounds melt away while your joys increase.
I hope you have a marvellous weekend and wonderful b'day, Diane. And many, many more.
Have a nice Easter-weekend .... and wish you all the best in your future endeavours. Happy birthday, Diane!
Happy birthday, querida. I hope your birthday wish comes true.
Happy Birthday, Diane! (Hope you get to the Flying Star for the real thing.)
From one D to another: Happy BD!
Diane, Dolly and Maddy lugged this big birthday cake to your door without taking a single bite.
Enjoy, luv
Diane, dear,
I know that I am probably not the best friend to you. There are so many things that I wish had happened to me, you turned out to be one of the best and all the credit for that goes to you.
There is so much I want to learn from you. Your ability to forgive and forget in a heart beat, your ever smiling cheerful attitude, your patience.
My gift to you this birthday is a promise that you'll keep my friendship forever.
There is so much more I want to say, but can't find words.
Even these ones I picked up here and there.
All I can say right now is that I wish you all the happiness in the world.
(Please, tell Bob I never liked him).
Edgar, dear friend, how did you know my birthday was
near? I had actually forgotten!
So thank you, to one of my favorite people on a2k.
Margo, a public holiday, huh? What do you celebrate? Is
the day after Easter a big day off in Australia? Thanks
for the good wishes.
Noddy, always holding her dominion and helping the rest
of us do the same. The pounds come and go but the joys
are always there, whether bright and shining or
bittersweet, it's all good.
Squinney, sweet thing, that cake put five pounds on each
hip, but it was sooooo good--and I saved the beautiful
hummingbird decoration. How about coming out here to
share some. I'll put on some good Jamaican coffee or tea.
Mame, Walter, Roberta, you all are so special to me.
Roberta, though, is someone who has added so much to my
life in the form of friendship that never falters, even
when I don't communicate for long periods of time. I love
you Boidy.
Shewolf, I was thinking of you last night while looking
at that gorgeous moon. I howled, softely, but I howled.
Did you?
And you sent a lovely picture of a hummingbird. I'll be
putting out the feeders today and placing dryer lint and
red thread in little corners and indentations of the
trees. If they nest this year, it will be three years in
a row.
Many thanks to the stylish and beautiful Onyxelle for
sending a b-day card. One of these days we will go shoe
Tai Chi, you remembered the luscious desserts at the
Flying Star. Can you come back in May to meet all of us
and go exploring in the Albuquerque area? That would be
so cool.
Jespah, sweetie, you know me too well. You are usually in
the background, but without you this place would stop
being the place we all love. We all love you, that's for
Chumly, now I'm trying to think what you name might be.
Delbert, Doolittle, Dreadheart, or plain old Donald or
David? Anyway, thanks for the good wishes.
BBB, thank you for one of the most elegant cakes I've
ever seen. I'm so proud of you, Maddy and Sally for not
taking one bite. However, I think I spotted a couple of
tiny licks near the bottom. They only add to the fun.
My dear Francis, I don't know why you think that you
aren't the best friend to me. Friendship doesn't depend
on words or place, it is just always there and brings joy
at any time or place. Your kind words have brought tears
to my eyes. You are the kind of person I have always
admired. Thank you for the good wishes.
And I will be sure to tell Bob you never liked him. I
know he will be pleased and those blue eyes of his will sparkle
a little bit more than usual.
Just Brooks, you cutie, I must have just missed your post. Thank you for the adorable teddy with the red sneakers and the balloons. I have a pair of red sneakers that are a favorite.
I've heard so many lovely things about you. Wish we could meet in person.
Rushing in with a Torta di Semolina e Nutella...

from Pasticceria Villani
Diane wrote:Just Brooks, you cutie, I must have just missed your post. Thank you for the adorable teddy with the red sneakers and the balloons. I have a pair of red sneakers that are a favorite.
I've heard so many lovely things about you. Wish we could meet in person.
I have heard a great deal about you, also! In your pictures, your smile matches all the lovely things people have said.
I may have an Internship out in your direction next year. I won't know where it will be until October. But Phoenix, Arizona is one of the places I could land for a couple months. Not sure how many miles that would be from you .....but if I get that close, I would absolutely love to meet you all.
Oh Osso, you know the way to my heart!!
Let's go to the Flying Star next week and see if they have anything that comes close. And then we can go to the shoe repair place, the antique stores and whatever else we stumble upon, my shopping pal and fellow exlorer.