Chai wrote:You can have a shitload of money and be a redneck foofie.
This is true...I come from a long line of rednecks and they are no longer the poor working class folk of Snood's definition. They work but they make money and lots of it and spend it on expensive toys....
Like a black chevy truck with 18 woofers under the seat that makes your tail itch when a CD's playing because of all the vibrations...all in all not a bad way to ride

and as an added bonus it has black lights underneath. Preeeettty cool.
Or like buying a karaoke machine for your backporch so you can sing a lot of Waylon Jennings and Patsy Cline when the family gets together (our Christmas party - it was lovely).
And what I especially love about my family is that most of them have either on their windshields or their front tags descriptions of themselves. It is quite endearing. Cousin Rhonda...she has "Bad Attitude" on her windshield in a pretty script and then there's J.Lloyd who has "American by birth Southern by the grace of God" on his front tag.
But they are generous and fun-loving and happy folks. I love them very much..I'm one of 'em, though I have no tags or abundance of woofers in my car. They would tell you that I am not...which personally, I resent. :wink: