This is a "lotto" state which means that everywhere you go they sell and redeem lotto tickets including the grocery and gas markets; it seems as though many/most "lotto" buyers of whatever age like to stand at the clerks checkout buying and then scratching and then buying and then scratching totally ignorant that they are blocking dozens of ordinary customers. last week I stood behind some "man" who over a period of 30 minutes bought over 100 lotto tickets and continued to stand in line as he scratched his tickets buy more when he won 2 or 3$. finally the poor sales person called for help and another clerk opened another register and called for anyone actually making a purchase to get in her line. He was still there when I left the store about 45 minutes later.
Is it too much to ask that you put a goddam muffler on that pos you like to think is fast? Holes in the muffler do not a hot rod make.
Is it too much to ask that you just take your money out of the ATM and leave instead of perusing all your receipts, calculating in your head what's what and then proceeding to take 10 minutes to decide whether to pay your hydro bill? There IS a line up behind you, you know.
dag, Snarling right along with you, kid.
Jane, The seniors have the same parking lot problems and long lines to deal with as you do. I often go out between 5:30 and 6:30 to run my errands. Yes, it's when all the nine-to-fivers are just getting home. I do this partly because it's convenient for me, and partly because I like to see people walking their dogs (goofy, I know, but c'est moi). I'm immune to crowds. Rarely notice there is one. It has to be one doozy crowd for me to even realize there is a crowd. I and all the other seniors are likely to continue to do what we want when we want. Although I'm sympathetic to what you have to contend with, I cannot conceive of altering my schedule and preferences to accommodate yours. Sorry.
Well now, dys, the term "justifiable homicide" comes to mind. Can't the store do something about this? This is just plain nuts.
Ah, yes, Roger, the muffler issue. Nothing like an unmuffled muffler to wake me up from a sound sleep.
Another snarl for Mame's ATM hogs.
I'm noticing a trend here. (There have been several on this thread.) There are a number of people who seem to be oblivious to the fact that they're in public and that what they do affects others. Phooey on them.