Fri 7 Mar, 2008 09:11 pm
Hi folks,
The last few that have had me stumped - perhaps some of you can assist ?
37 Down: Pale Green, EA_ de Nil
40 Down: Peruvian food tuber: OC_
110 Across: Embitters: _O_RS
138 Across: Muddied: MI_ED
(I'm uncertain as to whether this might be MIRED or MIXED)
Your thoughts, please
Hi artdba
37d = eau
40d = oca
110a = sours
138a = mired
Someone may verify. Good luck.
Hi Dutchy,
Thanks for that; I'll trust your judgement in that regard. I thought 37 down might be Eau, but it seemed rather a case of "too simple to be true" for the 'Demon'
'Oca' is a new one for me, and I should really have known better with 'Sours'
Thanks once again,
I agree with Dutchy but am looking for73 across m-o
Hi Okay
Welcome to a2k.
Your looking for "AZO" or "ANO", both answers fit, all depends which one you prefer. I lean towards "AZO" having that one explaned to me by another puzzler.
Good Luck