when you have no idea what youre talking about, try not to sound like a smart ass.
The MArtian terrain is loaded with salts (Anhydrites, sulphosalts and sulphate deposits) the terrain spec showed that early in the Rover Missions , remember? The first indications that there had been water at one time was confirmed by the deposits of siderite and alkali sulphates and sulphosalts.
(Im a geochemist SO Im not impressed withconcretions as you are)
Look up concretions and youll see plenty septerian nodules that look like "Kermit the Frog" or "Snoopy" . The Creationists are always finding sulfide minerals in the shapes of human hands .
"The seeds of fanaticism are sewn when someone gets all excited about just one concept without even checking what all the others have to offer"-Brother Dave Gardner