Wed 6 Feb, 2008 07:50 pm
Stuck with a couple but here's what I have. Hope people may help.
21 a governs?
47 a key?
60 a enrage?
14 d bottle?
33 d loudest?
43 d seesaw?
I have the rest, think I have these but would like to check or help others.
Hi piemanbulldog
All your submissions are as I have them.
Good Luck
Thanks again Dutchy. Did you have a go at the editor's challenge?
I came up with something like assortment ingredients.
sag(o)(e) ?????
tonic (i) ???????
(r) ????
I love it!!!!!
Hi piebullmandog, I have been trying to share my enthusiasm for the Editor's Challenge for months but nobody else seems to recognise their genius! You are very close to solving 114 Editor's Challenge...VERY CLOSE. If you need any help, just ask. I solved this month's much easier than several of the earlier ones.
I don't have my copy of them mag available right now but rethink TONIC...I don't recognise that answer...Oh. And my dictionary offers "GREENGAGES" as a type of fruit.
Sorry it took a while to get back.
I love 'em too. This was an easier one I agree. I'm missing something elementary.
Can you seen why I got tonic. But I realise it can't be right, because you need an I to begin ingredients.
I need 3, 12 and 15. Did you get sago or sage for 10?
I think it might be SAG-O
and the next one you have BEE-T - I think it might be BEE_F
3. the 4 letter answer is a mans name; "orDer fOr oUr eGg" ; yolks = middle
12. The "I" is at the end of the answer to "relax" or "put it on ice" - hope this helps
15. As I don't know many actors I just did a google search and put in these three words - actress jane stew - the answer will be there, think bacon
I've never heard of her but the answer I am sure is ASHER. Anyone heard of Jane Asher?
Jane Asher was girlfriend to one of the beatles - I think Paul and her brother was part of the duo Peter and Gordon in 1960's I think. She was in a couple of movies but can't think of the names.
re Jane Asher look here:
She's done more than a couple of movies.