Wed 6 Feb, 2008 04:58 pm
can somebody please help me
60a Football boot sole stud c?a?t
61d Reclined ?a?n
these are my last two does anybody need any help just ask im happy to help
from mj2
60a CLEAT (?)
61d check out that "a". (word might be DOWN ?)
Hi mj2
For 60a I have 'cleat' as suggested by contrex.
61d = lain
Good Luck.
stinker 114
thanks to both of you for your help finally finished that one on to the next one
Help! Two have me stumped.
296A "Yearning" H????R. I have Epoch for 276D which I'm sure is correct.
268D "Chinese divination manual" ICH???
Hi Butain
296a = hunger
268d = iching
276d = epoch (correct)
269d = tiller
Hope this helps.
Thanks Dutchy. I knew I could rely on you.