Guess what.
We read pedestrian in english class today. I thought it was sweet.
dlowan, I also liked it when montag first met clarisse. I found it funny, reminds me of my best friend.
I am reading a book of his short stories right now...I Sing the Body Electric...don't think I'll read all of them, so do any of you have favorite stories? suggestions?? thanks!
Having found the content's on-line, none sound familiar except "Tomorrow's Child," which if it is the story I think is one you shouldn't forget (if you willingly suspend your disbelief). If I am thinking of the right story, it involves a woman who gives birth to a small blue pyramid. I found it quite touching - once you accept what's what there. Let me know. The others I can't help with.
ahh, yes! thank you. that is actually one that i have read and enjoyed!
I can speak with some authority on The Illustrated Man, R is for Rocket, S is for Space, The Martain Chronicles, and Fahrenheit 451 (my screen name on one site is from The M. Chronicles).
Im writing a series of papers on 451 for class. It seems Bradbury was very afraid/hated technology. I bet he doesnt even own a television.