Mon 28 Jan, 2008 01:41 pm
Okay, we've got a tank containing two goldfish, a frog and a googly eyed fish.
My BFs mum put a new little stone house in the tank for the frog, and a few days later the googly eyed fish (Gary) had lost one of his eyes.
We assumed he had scraped it off on the house...
Today, we got home and Gary's other eye is...seperating??...from his body.
Can anyone explain this strange phenomenone???
Is Gary a bubble eye fish? I mean does he have normal eyes, but has these big airsacs under/around them and one has popped? If so it will re-inflate after time. If his actual Eyeball has been lost from the socket then I am at a loss.
do you think your fish is blind?
If so, he could be just running into things and rubbing his eyes because he does not see anything..
how does he respond to you? What about when you feed him? Does he SEE you, or does he not respond until after the food hits the water?
I guess so, a bubble eyed fish I mean. His eye is completely gone and the other one is coming away from his head.
Well...he's not seeing out of the eye that's mysteriously disappeared (presumed eaten by frog or the other fish) and I'm not sure about the other. He does look around, like when he's sucking at the stones etc, he'll look down at them and stuff...
that does not mean he can actually see it though. It could be just reaction that his eyes point to the ground.
Does he get excited when you approach the tank?
I don't think he's blind... it seems he's keeping an eye out for you...
any chance of a picture? That would help, though I am by no means an expert on fish...maybe you could put him in a jar and take him to a local fish store and show them?
@honey rose cr,
I have a red oranda and the same thing has happened to it. It has been missing one eye for about a year. I looked at it today and it has lost the other eye. There is no wound. It looks like healthy skin where the eye had been. It is doing great. It eats like a little pig when I put food in the tank. Strange. None of the other fish have lost their eyes.