Sun 27 Jan, 2008 08:56 am
Almost finished my first cryptic puzzle and just discovered this forum. Appreciate if someone could help me please.
7d Have enough money to pay for a river crossing, apparently (6) A?F???
I had affair but not sure if this is right
19a Phoned before starting engine in rifle practice area (5) I?N?E
Not sure about I - depends upon above answer
Kind thanks.
7d is AFFORD. (a "ford" is a river crossing.)
That makes the first letter of 19a an R. A rifle practice area is a RANGE.
Thank you! Totally wrong there, I was thinking 'fare' for payment of crossing.
First timer!
Hi Striker.
Welcome to a2k
Have checked my copy of the Cryptic and can confirm Contrex's submissions.
Good Luck.