Boing boing boing boing

Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:11 am
Many banks have turned into user-fee rip-off machines! It's very frustrating!
Intrepid wrote:
Not sure if it is any different in the U.S., but it is not legal to write a post dated check in Canada. A check can be cashed as soon as it is received, regardless of the date.

Canadian Payments Association wrote:
What happens if a post-dated cheque is accepted and processed to my account before the due date?

Under CPA Rules, a post-dated cheque is not eligible for clearing and therefore should not be deposited before the due date. However, given the large volume of cheques and the degree of automated processing, some post-dated items may inadvertently slip through.

Under Rule A4, Section 6(b), a payment item may be returned through the clearing by a CPA member financial institution for the reason "post-dated" up to and including the day prior to the due date. Once the due date is reached, the payment item cannot be returned for the reason "post-dated".

A customer with concerns about a post-dated cheque being processed to his or her account should raise them with his or her financial institution. If the institution is notified within the timeframe described above, the cheque can be returned through the clearing. Questions about overdrafts as a result of the early processing of post-dated items should also be addressed to the financial institution.

Canadian Payments Association
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 04:56 am
Just thought I'd let you know shewolf.
Prior to christmas I worked for a chap for 3 weeks putting in Farm fences. my job was to organise and supervise the contractors using machinery to do the manual labour.

The arrangement was that I would present a fortnightly account and be paid within 14 days.

He paid me $1000.00 of $3000.00 when I presented the first account just prior to christmas.

I did 2 more days after christmas to bring the job to a certain point. Then told him no more work until he paid.

Nothing since.
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 05:31 am
Shewolf, I'm so sorry to hear this. This happened to me once when my son was little and I'll never forget the stress it caused me.
Hell, I was a single mom where every dollar already had a place for it and that was devistating!

I do remember the bank making it right, though, but it took a bit of freaking out on my part. I was soooooooooooo pissed!!!!!!!

I'm with Dadpad on telling the bank you'll take your business elsewhere if they don't take care of this situation, that was obviously not your fault.

What have you got to lose?

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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 06:02 am
shewolfnm wrote:
Because we are not going to be around in Feb to make our payment then. ( 5 days from now)
I gave him that check to deposit for next month so that his records were straight and we would not owe him any late fees.

I have done this with him before. Never an issue.

This time, its an issue..

I think, because you have done this with him before, this is his error and the daycare owes you a half a month free. Show him what his error has cost you. Appeal to his sense of fairness. Then, put him on automatic payment too. Why are you writing any checks?

Joe(life's a grinder)Nation
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 06:06 am
Unfortunately, the bank doesn't care if they have your piddly little account. Unless you have overdrafts, they aren't making money off of you. It costs them more to maintain small accounts with numerous small deposits and small transactions than is covered by your monthly service charge. So, threatening to move your account to another bank won't bother them.

That's just the cold truth. If they won't make things right with the overdraft fee's - especially the one from the second account that didn't end up covering anything, go ahead and change banks. Find a little bank with strong customer service where they know the names of their customers without looking at your deposit slip.
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 07:18 am
I write two checks a month.

One to her day care, and one for rent.

I have to write them because my bank does not allow small local banks to be on their automatic pay list.
It is not too big of an issue.
I write the check for her day care and leave it AT her day care.
My rent check, I just throw in the night deposit with a deposit slip and I am done. The bank for rent is not far from her day care and both are due by the fifth of the month so they are easy to remember.

I dont write any other checks unless a company does not take visa-debit.

Emancipet, where Flash got neutered offered a micro chip service and city registration for five dollars a piece and that was more cash then I brought on me, so I had to resort to a check because they were not set up to take debit cards. I found that surprising , and odd.. but a check it was.

Our family doc is a rare breed of small office,only a handfull of patients , do things in an older fashion kind of guy.
No cards. Check , cash or money order only. So anytime I see him it is guaranteed I have to write a check. Thats ok. I love my doc anyway..

And as much as I would like to scream at someone, and make someone pay because I can not, legally it is all my responsibility.

I wrote the check, and since the lady from the bank told me flat out that they are not responsible for catching dates on checks no matter how it gets into the bank ( night deposit, walk in , drive in, bill transfer) I am left with no legs... as RH says.

He ( the day care owner) has as much right to deposit that check as I have to write him 50, 000 checks.

When I heard the list of things that the bank was not responsible for from that woman, which literally took about 30 seconds.. I was left wondering what I hire them for. If they are not there to help keep my account safe, then what the hell do I pay them for?

They do not make alot of money off of me. I am responsible with my money. I have one account that has a NEW ( since this started Confused ) monthly fee on it.
I signed up during a special a few years ago. No monthly charges for accounts, free overdraft protection, free checking and a few other things.
I dont use ATM's so they dont get ATM fees from me.
If I need cash, I go to the bank.
I pay all of my bills online so they dont even make money on my checks.
The checks I have were part of a 200 free package when I signed up.
I think I have used 80 of them. I am probably a thorn in their side. Laughing

They did recover stolen fees and have a small settle ment claim with Ihop. When that person from that company stole 9 grand.
Again.. the bank PAID that when the money was not in my account.

Wait.. I just thought of something.

Isnt the bank MAKING me pay fees by paying something out, when I do not have the money in my account? Why would they force me to pay fees by paying for something when the money is not there to cover it anyway? Why are they honoring transactions with out asking me first?
They are making me pay them by doing this and I did not request they hand me money like that . Because that is what they did. They put money in my account with out a loan in place. Then made me pay for it, when I did not have the money to begin with.

Im closing that account. That does not make me feel good at all
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 08:06 am
Good. Find a bank which allows you to send a check to anybody via their Online Banking.

That's a normal, regular, basic service, one that I could not do without.

If you haven't already gotten one, and some cash aside and buy Money or Quicken. (I like Money better because the budget thingie is easier to use.) Ask the new bank about the ease of downloading your transactions right to your desktop. No paper.

Use the software to balance your accounts and maintain your budget. (It's amazing how money melts if you don't track where it's going.)

And I still think you should ask the daycare for some consideration. You gave them that check to hold in trust, they violated, by their careless mistake, that trust. Ask.

Joe(and ye shall receive.)Nation
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:01 pm
these people need quinneysizing...
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 06:49 am
oooo . quinneysizing...

Joe(Yes. that would fix their wagon)Nation
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 06:58 am
Quinn-a-sizing has fixed many a broken wagon. Laughing

Bear(don't make me come in there) almost always gets his way with this kind of stuff.
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 08:01 am
Oy, woman, that's a lot of juggling and crap.

Do you use your arm for work, too? So they put you on the muscle relaxants and something for the swelling.

Did they tell you what is wrong with it?

Shewolf, situation is stressful big time right now and it always seems worse when the body isn't co-operating either.

Wish I could give you my spare arm to help you out.
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 08:11 am
what horrors. I hate your bank.
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 09:56 am
squinney wrote:

Bear(don't make me come in there) almost always gets his way with this kind of stuff.

I TRIED to get my way. Ohh lord.. I tried

But the womans way of arguing, I have no clue how to combat..

And of course,just like in high school.. i thought of the best come backs AFTER I left.

Like, how I consider this to be a forced loan, or how it is obvious that the reason everything spun out of control was because the check was not just sent back like it should have been.
I had enough money to cover a normal bounced check fee. But NOOOO.. they have to pay the damn check.


I am looking at 2 banks now.
capitol one?
Or maybe chase

But I may want to go with a small local bank instead.
The idea of a large bank appeals to me. Especially one who kepts its name through that 3 years of .. what ever it was... where banks were selling out and closing right and left.
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 09:57 am
And my arm?

I dislocated my shoulder.
Simple, but painful.

All while washing my hair . Confused
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 10:11 am
Hmm, Noddy has dropped her dominion and now you've dis-located your arm. Things are getting curiouser and curiouser.


Have you looked here?

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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 11:27 am

Im sure I have a permanent home in the bottom of that box somewhere..
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 11:37 am
I'm not sure any bank will bounce a check if you have a credit card type security to your account. (I forget what they call that, but that the charge goes on the card if it takes the account past the money in there.) Maybe I didn't read your explanation carefully enough, shewolf.
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 12:10 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
I had talked to the lady at the bank about people depositing post dated checks and she said that banks are not responsible for catching dates on a post dated check.

So long as it is written to the proper person, it can be cashed at any time. It is up to the person writing the check to not write it before it is due.

The only way a bank is able to stop someone ( and STILL, they are not responsible) is if someone, in person, walks up to a teller and tries to cash the check. Then the teller -should- but is still not required.. to say " No, this can not be cashed until such-and-such date.."

Uniform Commercial Code, Article 4:



(c) A bank may charge against the account of a customer a check that is otherwise properly payable from the account, even though payment was made before the date of the check, unless the customer has given notice to the bank of the postdating describing the check with reasonable certainty. The notice is effective for the period stated in Section 4-403(b) for stop-payment orders, and must be received at such time and in such manner as to afford the bank a reasonable opportunity to act on it before the bank takes any action with respect to the check described in Section 4-303. If a bank charges against the account of a customer a check before the date stated in the notice of postdating, the bank is liable for damages for the loss resulting from its act. The loss may include damages for dishonor of subsequent items under Section 4-402.


(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Article, a payor bank wrongfully dishonors an item if it dishonors an item that is properly payable, but a bank may dishonor an item that would create an overdraft unless it has agreed to pay the overdraft.

(b) A payor bank is liable to its customer for damages proximately caused by the wrongful dishonor of an item. Liability is limited to actual damages proved and may include damages for an arrest or prosecution of the customer or other consequential damages. Whether any consequential damages are proximately caused by the wrongful dishonor is a question of fact to be determined in each case.

(c) A payor bank's determination of the customer's account balance on which a decision to dishonor for insufficiency of available funds is based may be made at any time between the time the item is received by the payor bank and the time that the payor bank returns the item or gives notice in lieu of return, and no more than one determination need be made. If, at the election of the payor bank, a subsequent balance determination is made for the purpose of reevaluating the bank's decision to dishonor the item, the account balance at that time is determinative of whether a dishonor for insufficiency of available funds is wrongful.


The lesson: If you postdate a check, give notice to your bank of the check number, the amount of the check, and the date written on the check. If they then honor the check early, the bank is on the hook for the damages, per the UCC4.
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 12:49 pm
Good info to know. Thanks Ticomaya. Wonder how much in fees the banks charge to be notified of a post dated check. My bank charges $25 just to place a stop payment on a check and even then they don't guarantee it and will charge you a NSF fee if your check bounces when they didn't honor the stop payment. They get you coming and going. I used to use the automatic payment service until I tried to stop one of the automatic payments and it took them 15 days to do so and during that 15 days I got hit with both the automatic payment deduction and the check I issued in place of the automatic payment and overdrew my account.

I learned my lesson the hard way with that. Now I do all my own bill paying electronically each month and I have the control over who gets paid when and in what order.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 01:10 pm
We don'z use checks (commonly) since ages here.

And hwen doing online banking, you can add a certain date when the transaction can be made.

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