Sat 19 Jan, 2008 04:53 pm
Contains an interesting combination of first hand experience (from numerous people) and research into World Politics, Economics, corruption...particularly how the 3rd World came to owe the west $3.2 trillion dollars, and the resources the west takes from the 3rd world through concessions and bribery.
The Australian version has a foreword by Bernie Fraser, former Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia (and former Secretary to the Treasury).
Also a mention for Confessions of an Economic Hitman, by Larry Perkins, an ex chief economist of an American multinational engineering company, in which he talks about how he helped indebt countries (through overinflating the economic forecasts of nation building projects, in order to obtain bigger loans), knowing the countries would never be able to pay the debt back, and the resource concessions that were extracted from those countries when they defaulted.