Ask the store if they have the light bulb..and if they do...buy a couple.
I recently bought the same one...its a lovely tank and all...and actually the filters for the eclipse systems fit. The bulb has blow twice in a few months on mine and each time they are on backorder. I have replaced the starter with a GE starter, and one of the places that can get the bulbs...not many people have them...thinks itll be about a month till I can get another one...I shouldve gotten two..dangit.
The thing is this tank type was actually made for US novelty use but, reef systems have blown it wild as well as the popularity for fresh water....so, they havent been able to keep up, the quality was poor....and the electrical was not standard...GE doesnt even make a 10" fixture. Some of the tanks at the store have needed ballast replacement.
Ill keep my fingers crossed you either dont have lighting problems, or you can purchase a great deal of bulbs

BTW..if hes got extras...send me his phone number!
Its a quiet tank that runs well and looks good though in a nice size...I like the idea of putting them side by side.
The thing about under gravel filtering is that you may be cutting down in general on your maintenance however, you are polluting your gravel..as your gravel becomes the filter.
Since those lovely organisms which balance out a tank (but if disturbed when moving around the gravel) are usually present in gravel..using your gravel as a filter simply increases the masses. The chance of promoting ill health is greater, as is your gravel quality and the time it takes to properly clean the gravel when you do get to it. Having a double filtering would decrease that, and thats a possibility for those wishing to completely clean out their tanks less often I suppose.