Boy do I need this thread right now.....
Ok so we have had satellite tv for about 8-9 years now. We live in the woods so can't get cable, high speed internet, etc. We just got an HDTV, figuring that we would be able to get HD satellite since regular satellite has worked so well...but nooooo not so simple.
On December 27th a Direct TV technician came to our house to poke around the yard to see where the dish could be set up. No luck with the exception of one spot in the front yard, but trees would need to be cut and cables run. It's up to the homeowner to cut the trees and a technician can't authorize cables being run that far. So the technician, Lee, called his supervisor, Ryan, to come out and ok it. He would be here within 72 hours.
72 hours came and went, no supervisor. So we began to call Direct TV again. The first phone call we were told that Ryan had come to our house and cancelled the order as there was no line of sight. Now NOBODY had come to the house except Lee. They said Ryan probably came and just didnt' come to the door. Thats impossible. We were home all day the day he supposedly came and we would have known. Even if we didn't the dog would have warned of somebody snooping in the yard.
Again we called and called to get answers, and given the run around for a week and a half. Nobody would call us back and the invisible
Ryan was always their scapegoat as he supposedly came here and was supposed to call us. FINALLY we got an appointment with Ryan who came here last Saturday, Jan 12th. Phew...he said yep that line of sight would work, just cut down 5 medium sized trees and a technician would be here Monday to set it up. BTW...Ryan himself said he never came here before and had never even heard of us. So we have no idea who the invisible mystery man was.
We cut the trees and waited for Monday. All day Monday I waited, and yep...NO technician!!! But wait this gets better...when my husband came home from work he handed me the Direct TV bill and guess what....Not only did we get billed for the service but also over $300 for the set up and part of teh equipment!
So back to the phone to argue this point and see if a technician was EVER going to get here. A new appointment was set for the set up, and an agreement to not charge a late fee on equipment that is not in our posession yet!
Today was the big day. The new technician, Doug, was here. Do we have service yet? Of course not.

He looked at the spot and said this won't work. Who told you this would work? We said Ryan of course. His reply was Ryan should never have told you that. It won't work and besides Ryan was let go this week he doesn't work for us anymore (Go figure!

Sooooo back to the drawing board...he found a new line of sight, which requires more trees to be cut down. He also cannot set it up without a supervisors ok because it involves running cables that need to be buried. Monday, Duane, another supervisor is "supposed" to come and check it out. I wonder how many weeks this will take?
If I wasn't so pissed off I could laugh at it. I think we have the makings of a Seinfeld episode.
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