Quote:I'm sure there are many like minded greens and others who may be dissatisfied with the current Australian government (as they were also with the last). However these folks are usually dissatisfied and are very unlikely ever to be pleased. Rudd's efforts may be futile (or more likely an empty gesture, intended to placate the merely excitable). A gread deal of the "wind" has gone out of the sails of the global warming cult in the last few months. I'm surprised it is still a big issue in Australia. Even Canadians (who have the world's highest per capita GHG emissions) don't seem to care much anymore.
But you see, George, it is not just "greens" who feel this way. Obviously I can't speak for the entire population of the country, but (you'll have to take me at my word on this) there is huge anti-whaling sentiment out there in the general Oz community. Personally, I don't know of a single person who actually supports whaling, and not all the people I speak to about whaling & whale conservation are "greenies" or "radicals", by a long shot.
The "whale wars" receive extensive coverage in our media in Australia. And I mean the mainstream media. As do IWC meetings, when policy changes are on the table to be debated & voted on. There is a lot of interest out there in the community.
As for these disenchanted young voters. They are very important to
both the main political parties, not just to Kevin Rudd. In the 2007 campaign there was huge support for Kevin Rudd, young people wearing "Kevin 007" T shirts, many first time voters. To them he signified real change from the conservative politics of the Howard years. They were inspired, hopeful, I believe. He would be flocked when he visited school sites, a bit like a pop star would be.

He had quite a following, I can tell you. To lose those young voters would be a very serious thing for the Labor Party, as you might appreciate.
But, in case you think it's just the very young & idealistic, or simply the "greenies" who support the cessation of whaling, I'd have to tell you that this perception is quite wrong. Many people simply see it as a barbaric, antiquated & totally unnecessary slaughter & are offended by it, as much as anything else.