Post nekkid ? ! ? ! ?
You must be daft . . . it's 11 degree below zero, centigrade, out there, with a wind-chill factor of -24 . . . the circulating pump on the furnace went out on Monday morning . . . we've been setting the oven to 450 degrees Fallerheizen for 30 minutes every hour for as long as anyone is awake over the last two days . . . i'm sitting here waiting for the furnace repair guy, and if i could put on any more clothing and still move, believe me, i would . . .
What we call high heat today is diffrent then it was.. sheesh.. even one hundred years ago.
We have concrete, black tar, heavy wood, brick, you name it.. Covering almost every inch of our living spaces. ( this includes outdoors)
This stuff radiates heat and brings up the all around temperature by at least three degrees if not more.
Not to mention that it helps to dry out the air, reducing the water that helps act as a natural cooler .
What is 90 to us today, is no where near what the 90 SHOULD be
We are all meant to survive a normal 90.
A black tar, concrete 90? That is something completely diffrent
Chai wrote:
From what the responses have been so far in oz, it does seem having A/C is not a common thing. True?
Not true, another incorrect assumption on your part.
dadpad wrote:Chai wrote:
From what the responses have been so far in oz, it does seem having A/C is not a common thing. True?
Not true, another incorrect assumption on your part.
That's why I put the question mark after the word true dadpad....doing that indicated I was asking if what I just said was true or not.
Perhaps this is another cultural difference. I use a question mark when I'm not assuming, but asking.
To get back to the point, would you say having (actually I should say using) a/c is as common as in the US?
Jeeze . . . how would he know, Chai?
What is the difference between breakfast in China and breakfast in the west?
I typically post only in a leopard print thong and nipple-tassels. And roller skates.
The furnace repair man just left, saying he'd be back with a pump soon. When the temperature gets right again, i'll strip down . . .
I'll keep you informed . . .
This thread has become a monster.
Oh damn . . . i forgot all about this thread . . . hold on a sec . . . OK, there, down to the bare flesh . . . ah, the joys of central heating . . .
I only look at the pics here and not what some write.
Okay, back to the original question. Do I post nekkid? Nope. Too nippy in the winter.
In the summer I rarely run the AC, but I'd have to close all the blinds to post naked. The are houses around here. Big and small apartment buildings. With lots of people in them. I can see them; they can see me.
No nakedity for me.
Nude posting would detract from the dignity of my office.
Plus, I'd stick to the chair.
I don't usually post nekkid at work! Do you think it might help with my promotion prospects?
At home, though, it's one nude romp after another (or something!)
I have aircon, but haven't used it much - I get good air flow (plus - I have been away at the beach for the past week, and the sea breeze was pretty good!)
margo wrote:I don't usually post nekkid at work!
Dont usually would Imply that occasionally you do post nekkid at work.
margo wrote:At home, though, it's one nude romp after another
well thats salacious Sydney for ya, no morels.

Aren't morels some sort of mushroom?
margo wrote:

Aren't morels some sort of mushroom?
And, clearly, Sydney is a good place not to find them.
...and you'd stick to the chair in this heat!