Roberta wrote:Sympathetic to the heat. Hate the heat. Poor down-under babies.
Doesn't anybody have AIR-CONDITIONING?
I was wondering that myself Roberta.
I'm going to show some ignorance here....
I'm looking at a weather map of oz, and see where it's hotter in the West...but, don't most people live in the East?
I'm looking at the countries map for the week to come, and seeing the highs around the country ranges from 33C (92F) in the East to 40C (104F) in the West.
That sounds like a pretty typical August here in central Texas.
Is it that this heat wave has gone on a long long time and is wearing on everyone?
A few years back, we had a summer where it got over 100F every day for a month, and tempers were fraying.
Re Air conditioning.... does sound, from the posts here, that it's not common.
Yes, it contributes to global warming, but the ones being made today are so much more efficient.
For years we made due with 2 window shakers for a house of about 1400 square feet. Yes, it was not as comfortable, and the cost was high.....when we remodeled to 2000 square feet, we obviously bought an efficient central unit, and it's far superior in cooler a much larger area, and uses far less energy than the 2 circa 1970ish window units.
When it's 104 here, we keep the air at 78, and it's comfortable. It cyles on and off during periods of heavy usage in the city, so we don't have hardly any electric going down.
Surely Oz has the same system?
People wouldn't have to worry about being able to cool themselves if corporations would get their act together.
Just wondering.....please educate me.
I'm looking at another oz thread re it being 110F in the believe me, I'm not disbelieving it's really hot and bad...just wondering about the AC situation, and if it's not that common to have.