Wed 26 Dec, 2007 01:47 pm
Hello. Can you please help with these ditloids, i'm stumped -
108 C I A C P
a lyric from 1984 hit song - I G M F R 6 S. B I A T 5 & D
Hi Stumped, welcome to A2K; the first answers are on the house:
108 = C in a G of C = Cards in a Game of Canasta
I G M F R 6 S. B I A T 5 & D.
I got my first real 6 string - bought it at the 5 and dime - summer of 69 - Bryan Adams
Thanks for that one. The 108 one you entered was for a different ditloid. Please reply soon!
Does anyone know this one too please?
It's a line from a christmas song :
"Tho' days below are dark with woe in every heart there is a glow".