Tue 25 Dec, 2007 06:19 pm
Hi Everyone
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and are not
suffering from a sore head.
I have never had a problem with the Findaword before
but this time I am just not sure of the answer I got.
I ended up with "The R Time" which really threw me
but if I put that in the Google Search Engine, it comes
up but I am still unsure.
Could anyone who has done this one please tell me if
this is correct?
Warm Christmas & New Year Greetings to everyone who
reads this
January Big Findaword
Sorry Tigiie havent recieved January Big yet, I subscribe so would expect to get copy any day now. Someone else may be able to help.
Good Luck :wink: :wink:
January Find a word
Hi Tigiie,
Just finished mine and my answer is FATHER TIME.
Good luck with your entry.
Hi Tigiie
I recieved my Big this morning and I have completed the findaword and I have the same answer as canoe Father Time. Is the heading for the finaword you are referring to "Happy New year". Hope this helps and good luck.
Hi Tuesday and Canoe3154
You are right.
I have gone over and over this one and I can see the
FA now, I think I looked at it too many times and just
read it the same each time.
Thank you both for telling me as I really thought I was
going mad looking it and it is usually the easiest in the book.
I don't know if it is too much Christmas or too little Christmas.
Best regards