Fri 14 Dec, 2007 10:13 am
We've been without power since Sunday. We were fine, but cold. Yesterday my brother in Oklahoma City located a generator and drove it up to Tulsa for us. He and Hubby got it running last night, so we have heat now, plus very limited electric power for other things like computers. I do not know when power will be restored.
For those who aren't aware, the entire state of Oklahoma was hit by an ice storm last weekend. Worst damage ever. Virtually all of Tulsa was shut down, coming back verrrrry slowly. The trees, particularly the huge, tall ones in my part of town, are shredded. Power lines are still down. 2,000 line trucks from all over the US are here working around the clock. Police are being called in from other states to help stop widespread burglaries. There have been no hotel rooms available in a 50-mile radius of Tulsa since Monday morning. Emergency shelters have been set up.
I could go on, but won't. Not now. I just wanted to check in here and let you know that we are still here and OK.

We had a severe ice storm about 4 years ago that put us out of power for 3 days. We were lucky to find a cottage to rent.
I'm soooooo glad you're ok and my heart goes out to you all out there!
Hang in there sister Eva.
I couple of years ago, a heavy icestorm made a lot of damages ..... in a circle around us.
Glad, you're holding your dominion, Eva!
I heard about the storm going through some states but, hadn't realized it was that bad. I am glad you are okay Eva.
Thank you for checking in. You make me blush at the rage I felt with a 6-hour and a 4-hour power failure last weekend.
Limited electricity is certainly better than none at all--but cold is thoroughly unpleasant.
Hold your dominion.
damn girl... glad you're okay. Drink liquor and make love and you'll keep warm.
Sorry you have to go through this. Makes the snow problems we have in Boston pale by comparison.
I'm trying to get out of here Monday to go back to Hawaii and keep hearing dreadful forecasts. Hope you don't get hit with any more bad weather on top of this.
I was wondering how bad it was.
Get us updates when you can.
Joe(the next person who says how pretty the ice on the branches is... .)Nation
I feel for you, ((((Eva))))..
I use to love the ice on all the trees making them shine so pretty, until 4 years ago
I hope you guys are well packed for a few days of being stuck in your home!
Stay warm, Eva. Can we send you anything?
Eva! I was worried about you! I'm glad you and your family are okay.
630,000 residences in Oklahoma lost power. We are among the 1/3 to 1/2 of Tulsans whose power has not yet been restored. Unfortunately, our part of town seems to have been the epicenter. Lots of damage to houses from falling limbs and trees, including our next door neighbor, but fortunately, not us. A substation near the closest hospital blew up, and our power may come from there (we don't know)...I hope not.
Joe, this is by far the worst we've ever had. On Monday, we tried to drive out of the neighborhood and only found one way out. All other streets were blocked by fallen trees. Midtown will never look the same. They keep sending news crews to 21st & Peoria to film (or 31st...and we're right in between.)
Some restaurants are open, and some gas stations. Of course, there are lines. Grocery stores are selling out of peanut butter. We stopped at Joe's old hardware store for wiring supplies for the generator. They were completely sold out of batteries and flashlights. Funny thing, their stock of Christmas lights was barely touched. :-)
Now for the bad news. A storm front is moving in as I type. We're expecting 1-3 inches of snow by noon tomorrow. The electric utility company is worried, says the newspaper (front page.)
We are holding our dominions. It is times like these that make me very glad I married a Boy Scout. He has the sniffles, though. I am not surprised. He spent most of yesterday in 30 degree weather setting up the generator and wiring it to the box outside.
Re: Still here...
Eva wrote:We've been without power since Sunday. We were fine, but cold. Yesterday my brother in Oklahoma City located a generator and drove it up to Tulsa for us. He and Hubby got it running last night, so we have heat now, plus very limited electric power for other things like computers. I do not know when power will be restored.
For those who aren't aware, the entire state of Oklahoma was hit by an ice storm last weekend. Worst damage ever. Virtually all of Tulsa was shut down, coming back verrrrry slowly. The trees, particularly the huge, tall ones in my part of town, are shredded. Power lines are still down. 2,000 line trucks from all over the US are here working around the clock. Police are being called in from other states to help stop widespread burglaries. There have been no hotel rooms available in a 50-mile radius of Tulsa since Monday morning. Emergency shelters have been set up.
I could go on, but won't. Not now. I just wanted to check in here and let you know that we are still here and OK.
Sorry to hear of this, Eva.
Good to hear that you & yours are OK, though.
Good luck!
My offer to send supplies is sincere. Let me know if there's anything I can do.
"Yesterday my brother in Oklahoma City located a generator and drove it up to Tulsa for us."
What a good brother!
Take care, Eva... we're keeping you guys in our hearts.
Yikes Eva! Thanks for checking in. Keep us updated when you can.
I am glad you checked in Eva, I was thinking about you when I heard
the news about the ice storm and the power outage in OK.
Warm thoughts to you and yours, hopefully you're flipping the light switch
in no time again.